/ / "Pregnonton": reviews, prices, instructions. "Pregnonton": reviews of doctors

"Pregnonton": reviews, prices, instructions. "Pregnonton": reviews of doctors

Before the onset of pregnancy is very importantprepare your body for a normal gestation of the fetus. For this, various vitamin complexes can be used. One of them is Pregnonon. The consumers' comments about this drug will be presented below. Also we will tell you about how to take the said remedy and how much it costs.

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Form of release, packaging and composition

The drug "Pregnoton", the price, reviewed at the end of the article, contains components such as:

  • 80 mg of magnesium;
  • 915 mg of L-arginine;
  • 15 mg of vitamin E;
  • 2 mg of vitamin B6;
  • 90 mg of vitamin C;
  • 600 mcg of folic acid;
  • 12 mg of zinc;
  • 55 μg of selenium;
  • 40 mg of vinex sacred extract.

In the sale of this complex comes in the form of powder, which is packaged in bags of 5 g.

Features of the drug

What is a preparation such as Pregnonton? The doctors' comments indicate that this is a complex of minerals and vitamins, intended for women planning a pregnancy.

Due to its unique composition this remedy eliminates many factors that complicate conception. "Pregnonton" (reviews of patients will be discussed below) contributes to:

  • elimination of the consequences of stress and negative impact of the environment;
  • normalization of the menstrual cycle, as well as elimination of hormonal imbalance;
  • improvement of blood circulation in pelvic organs;
    reviews Spematon and Preboton
  • to create optimal conditions for the conception of the baby by replenishing the deficiency of minerals and vitamins necessary for the development and formation of a healthy embryo;
  • increase of fertility, activation of female reproduction.

Properties of the medicine

What properties are inherent in the "Pregnonton" complex? The doctors' comments say that the effectiveness of this remedy is explained by the replenishment of micro- and macronutrients, as well as the vitamins that make up the medicine.

Vitamin B9 is an important component that forms the placenta and additional blood vessels in the uterus. In the early stages of pregnancy, it is necessary in large quantities.

Vitamin B6 reduces the irritability of women inespecially in the first trimester. It also reduces the intensity and incidence of toxicosis. In addition, vitamin B6 is involved in the synthesis of amino acids and proteins, which are the basis for the formation of fetal cells.

Vitamin C is the main connectivean element of the vascular walls and bone tissue. It is necessary for carbohydrate metabolism and cholesterol metabolism. Also ascorbic acid has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Vitamin E saturates the tissue with oxygen and normalizes metabolism.

The amino acid L-arginine also saturates the tissues with oxygen and dilates the blood vessels, greatly improving blood circulation.

Magnesium participates in the regulation of biochemical processes and transfers impulses (electrical) between cells. It is necessary for protein synthesis and amino acid activation.

pregnoton reviews of doctors

Selenium increases fertility and improves fertility.

Zinc is necessary for the synthesis of fats, proteins, nucleic acids and carbohydrates. As part of the drug, it participates in the formation and normal operation of DNA in the nuclei of cells during ontogenesis.

Vitsex stimulates the production of the hormone progesteroneand reduces the production of prolactin, normalizing and eliminating imbalance in their ratio. This is necessary for the successful consolidation of the already fertilized egg in the uterus.


Why do women prescribe the complex "Pregnonton"? The doctors' comments make it clear that this remedy is very effective in showing difficulties with conceiving a child. The drug is prescribed to women who are planning a pregnancy and are often exposed to negative external factors. This drug helps to reduce the adverse effects of these factors, as well as increase the chances of a woman becoming pregnant and giving birth to a healthy baby.


The drug "Pregnonton" is not medicinalmeans. Therefore, before starting to take it, you should consult a doctor. According to the experts' reviews this remedy is contraindicated in case of intolerance of its components.

preponton price reviews

Dosing and Administration

How should we take thecomplex? Reviews ("Spematon" and "Pregnoton" is often prescribed for the inability of young people to conceive a child), experts indicate that it is necessary to use this medication several months before the planned pregnancy.

The drug should be taken once a day. For this, one packet of powder is dissolved in 100-150 ml of water, and then consumed with food. The duration of this course is from three months until the desired pregnancy.

Also, the complex can be taken with diseases of female genital and reproductive organs (as prescribed by the treating doctor).

Preparations "Spematon" and "Pregnonton"

Reviews, the price of "Pregnonton" are presented below. This drug is intended only for women. For men, doctors recommend taking a similar complex of "Spematon".

What do they say about him? "Spematon" and "Pregnoton" are the remedies recommended for the conception of a healthy baby and its normal development. To the representatives of the stronger sex, the first one helps to stimulate spermatogenesis, increase the concentration of spermatozoa in the seminal fluid, and also increase the motility of spermatozoa.

This remedy is also prescribed in a few monthsup to the desired conception. For adult men, "Spematon" is recommended to take once a day, during a meal, dissolving one packet of powder in a 1/2 cup of water. The optimal course duration is 3 months.


Now you know that it contains the preparation "Pregnonton". Feedback on this complex can leave everyone. Its price starts from 650 rubles.

spematon and pregnonton reviews price

The majority of women taking this remedy speak of it as a very effective drug that helped them not only conceive a child, but also to bear it and give birth without any complications.

For faster conception of the baby, doctors recommend taking the appropriate dietary supplements and the partner of the patient ("Spematon" complex).

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