Preparing for IVF: how to increase the chances of having a child?
Extracorporeal insemination for todayday is considered one of the most progressive methods of infertility treatment. Quite often this is the last step for partners to have a child. It should be noted that the preparation for IVF is quite lengthy and requires some effort on the part of both partners.
Preparing for IVF: which examinations need to be completed?
A few years ago, extracorporealfertilization was a rarity. Today, the number of children who were born just like that, can not be counted. The essence of the procedure is to extract from the body of a woman mature eggs and fertilize them "in vitro" with the subsequent implantation of the embryo into the wall of the uterus. Preparing for IVF is very important and its quality directly affects the likelihood of a successful pregnancy.
To begin with, a woman and a man must completeexamination of the body. This stage is very important - both partners should be healthy by the time of fertilization, otherwise there is a risk of miscarriage or some deviation during intrauterine development.
A woman must necessarily undergo an examination atgynecologist. If during the examination some diseases or disorders in the sexual system were found, they must be eliminated. In such cases, the doctor prescribes a course of treatment.
In addition, it is necessary and hormonala study of blood. Violation of hormone levels can affect the process of maturation of the follicles, as well as the ability of a woman to bear the future child. And problems with the endocrine system are better to detect before fertilization.
The examination of the body ondifferent kinds of infection. In particular, they prescribe tests for the presence of herpes, toxoplasmosis, rubella and cytomegalovirus. The fact is that the causative agents of such diseases can exist in the body secretly, without any external signs. And during pregnancy, the infection can affect the development of the fetus or increase the risk of abortion.
It is also useful to undergo genetic studies,with both future parents. As a rule, such tests are prescribed if there are any hereditary diseases among relatives. In those cases, if the risk of developing a genetic disease in the fetus is too high, with the IVF, a donor egg or spermatozoa can be used.
Very important preparation for IVF men. To pass or take place inspection at androloga it is necessary. In addition, the study of sperm samples is assigned to determine its quality.
What is IVF in the natural cycle?
A similar procedure uses a rather largepopularity, as for the fertilization there is no need to carry out hormonal therapy. This method is suitable only for those women in whose bodies the natural mechanisms of ovulation are preserved - one egg in the follicle ripens every month.
Preparing for IVF: how to increase the chances of pregnancy?
In addition to the necessary examinations and hormone therapy, partners who decide on IVF should stick to certain rules:
Since the body of a woman needs to prepareto pregnancy, then, in the first place, it is worth paying attention to a healthy diet. The diet should be diverse and include the necessary amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
It will also be useful to take multivitamin complexes, as this will strengthen the body.
Sexual relationships can remain the same. Before the IVF procedure, casual sexual intercourse is prohibited, as this can lead to infection with viruses, bacteria or fungi. Condoms are recommended as contraceptives.
Before fertilization, it is necessary to abandonharmful habits - alcohol, smoking and, of course, the use of narcotic drugs. It is also necessary to stop taking any medications that were not previously prescribed by a doctor.
A woman needs to reduce physical stress on the body. Nevertheless, an easy morning charge will have a great impact on the health of both partners.
Of course, the method of IVF does not give 100% guarantees. But the more strictly the doctor's recommendations are followed, the higher the chance of a successful pregnancy. After all, many children were born with the help of IVF. Feedback about this technique is really inspiring.