Tuberculosis of bones. Stages of development and symptoms
Bone tuberculosis is called infectiousa disease that affects bone tissue caused by the ingestion of Koch's rods into the body. Infection of bones and joints is not as common as pulmonary tuberculosis. This disease can occur in people of any age, but children and adolescents are more likely to develop it.
Most often the tuberculosis process affectsspine, a little less often - hip joints or knees, extremely rare in the elbow joints and shoulder, as well as in the bones of the hands or feet. As a rule, tuberculosis of bones is a secondary manifestation or complication of the underlying disease. As a result of improper or inadequate treatment, the causative agent of tuberculosis spreads hematogenously and affects other healthy parts of the body. Tuberculosis of bones has four stages of development.
In the first stage: development of primary ostitis or the emergence of a single focus of tuberculosis. In the epiphyses and metaphyses of tubular bones granulomas of tuberculous etiology are formed, this process is formed in the spongy body of the vertebrae. Over a period, pathological formations increase in number, and then combine into a single focus.
The second phase is characterized by a gradualthe spread of the infectious process to healthy nearby vertebrae, as well as complete joint damage occurs. As a result, the patient develops tuberculous arthritis, which is characterized by the formation of a purulent exudate or serous fibrous in the joint cavity. Articular cartilage dies (necrotize) and discarded, and the articular surface is bare.
In the third stage, tuberculous arthritis acquiresseverity, and also develops spondylitis. The joint is destroyed, the articular bag is completely necrotic, resulting in fistulas and abscesses. As a rule, there is a secondary infection of the joint with a non-specific flora.
At the fourth stage, functions andoperability of the joint. In remote and regional lymph nodes it is possible to detect specific residual changes, and in the myocardium, the joint itself and the walls of the vessels there are nonspecific reactions.
Tuberculosis bones symptoms is different, they aredepend on the location of the infection process and the degree of tuberculosis intoxication. The most pronounced picture is observed in children and adolescents, but may not be present in adults. Patients feel growing discomfort and rapid fatigue. Appetite decreases or disappears completely, and the temperature is constantly increased. Tuberculosis of the bones almost always leads to very serious complications.
Symptoms of a local nature depend on the placelocalization of the tuberculosis process and its degree of development. As a rule, patients feel muscle tension, fatigue, soreness. Tuberculosis of the bones of the spine is characterized by the appearance of back pain at night. With progression of the disease, the posture is disrupted, and soreness increases with loads. If the cervical region is affected, the pain radiates to the scapula and occiput. If there is an infectious focus in the thoracic area, pain can appear in the abdomen and chest, and if in the lumbar, then in the lower extremities. After serious changes and violations in the joints, the patient's gait changes, noticeable lameness appears, the posture curves and the mobility in the affected spine decreases.
If a person develops tuberculosis of bones, treatment should be started immediately and intensively.