/ / Brief characteristics and symptoms of syphilis in men

Brief characteristics and symptoms of syphilis in men

To date, syphilis is considered quiteA dangerous disease. Its causative agent is pale treponema, which is transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person mainly during an unprotected sexual intercourse. The bacterium affects the entire body, causing a certain number of symptoms. Symptoms of syphilis in men are very similar to those of women.

It is worth noting that over the past few yearsthe incidence of infection has increased significantly. The sooner the treatment begins, the more likely it is to be fully recovered - in later stages, getting rid of the disease is quite problematic. That is why everyone should know what are the symptoms of syphilis in men and women.

The incubation period of the disease. The period of hidden development of bacteria in the bodycan vary considerably, but on the average makes a month. At this time the disease does not manifest itself. Bacteria move in the lymphatic fluid. Here they begin to multiply intensely. At the end of the latent period, microorganisms enter the bloodstream and begin to spread intensively throughout all organs and systems. It is customary to distinguish three main periods of development and progression of the disease.

Symptoms of the first stage of syphilis. The first signs of syphilis in men arethe formation of the so-called solid chancre-a small, oval and hard sore that forms at the site of infection; in most cases it appears on the head or prepuce of the penis, but it is possible and non-standard penetration - oral cavity, mucous membranes. There is no sense in curing the chancre, because by the time of its maturation the human body is already completely infected.

After a while the patient can seea sharp increase in those lymph nodes that are located closer to the infectious gates. During this period, pathogenic microorganisms begin to spread intensively through tissues and organs. The patient complains of fever, weakness, aches, pains in the joints or bones, as well as migraines.

Symptoms of syphilis in men: the second stage. As a rule, the secondary period lasts ratherlong - from 2 to 4 and more years. In this case, the patient is diagnosed with temporary exacerbations of the disease, which are quickly replaced by periods of remission and temporary well-being.

Syphilis in men is manifested by skin lesions andmucous membranes. The patient complains of a rash. Quite typical for the disease is the so-called "necklace of Venus" - a rash on the neck. In addition, the skin can be covered with papules. As a rule, the rashes are very abundant and almost completely cover the affected areas of the skin. Quite often, the patient notices an intensive hair loss and then a full or partial baldness.

Along with these, the defeat of the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system begins. But these processes very rarely have any external signs.

After the expiration of the secondary period, the disease either can go into a latent form, when a person becomes a carrier of the cyst bacteria, or the tertiary period begins.

Symptoms of syphilis in men: the third stage of development. On the skin begin to appear individualgranulomas, which gradually expand. During their development, the destruction of the skin, the formation of deep wounds, ulcers or even perforations. It affects not only the skin, but also soft tissues, mucous membranes, organs. As the disease develops, deformation of bones, joints and muscles begins. The nervous system suffers - the patient is constantly being pursued by specific meningitis, which, when confluence of some circumstances, can lead to irreversible changes in nerve centers or even death.

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