/ / Growth rate and weight for girls of different ages

The rate of growth and weight for girls of different ages

Sooner or later every mother asks herself: "Is the baby developing correctly?". One seems that the child is too calm, the other, on the contrary, that it is too active, for some, the child is excessively fattened, for others - "worse-coming-up". In order to understand the correctness of the development of her child, every mother finds her own solutions, whether it is consulting a doctor or searching for answers on the World Wide Web.

When a child grows up, he is no longer thatdefenseless lump, and it may seem that the difficulties are behind, but this is only an appearance. With age, a small number of changes take place in a small organism. And all parents care about how to properly develop a child. One of the most frequently worrisome questions for parents is the rate of growth and weight for girls and boys. And all because it is, perhaps, one of the few visible indicators of the development of the young creature.

norm of growth and weight for girls

It should be noted that boys and girls develop in different ways, so you need to write about them separately.

Growth and weight for girls

It is inherent in nature that boys are larger and higher, andgirls are fragile, small and slender. But not only the sex of the child determines the accuracy of growth and weight. It should be understood that the figures showing the ratio of height and weight for girls are approximate. After all, in different nationalities, different external signs, for example, a European and a representative of East Asia, will clearly differ in their growth. Another factor of non-compliance with parameters is a lifestyle and nutrition.

ratio of height and weight for girls
There is a so-called psychological factor, thenthere is sometimes a girl it seems that she has extra pounds, and she takes all sorts of actions to solve this problem. But this factor is peculiar to girls from 14 years of age and older. Also, one should not forget about heredity. In any case, even with the determination of all factors, the growth rate and weight for girls may differ. Because people tend to be different, have different muscular and bone mass, different features of growing up.

Table of weight and height for teenage girls

Although everyone develops differently, but the tablesapproximate indicators are still available and widely used by adolescent therapists. The data of this table are regularly updated, as well as the statistical rate of growth and weight for girls is updated.

Tables illustrate the validity of thetoday is the norm in this respect. It should be noted that the growth and weight for girls are shown by three columns: very low level of growth / weight, medium and very high.

Growth rates for girls
Age, years

Height, cm

very low

Height, cm


Height, cm

very tall


Weight norm table

As for weight, the averaged figures look like this.

Norms of weight for girls
Age, years

Weight, kg

very low

Weight, kg


Weight, kg

very tall


If one of the table parameters (weight or height)corresponds to a very low or very high value, then it is not necessary to beat the alarm immediately and lead a teenager to specialist doctors. The fact is that the young organism is able to develop faster or slower. If, for example, a child is very tall, but his weight is, on the contrary, very low, this situation speaks of a so-called sharp jump in growth. The same applies to a sharp increase in body weight. It is much worse if the weight and height are close to the lower limits of the norm. Such a picture can indicate problems in the development of the child.

Weight and height for a 12 year old girl

As you know, 12 years is a turning point fora young lady, from a girl she begins to turn into a girl. And these changes, physical and psychological, are very noticeable. The girls' organism is being reconstructed, the metabolism is accelerating, which, in turn, leads to a smaller set of body weight. Weight and height for a girl of 12 years - these are the indicators about which the least should be experienced by parents. At this age, a slowdown is possible, a certain decline in physical development (in the limit of norms), but everything will recover in the process of the girl's maturation. Of course, the onset of puberty in each girl comes at different times, and 12 years is not always a detachable point.

weight and height for a girl of 12 years

Body mass index

Approximate growth of the girl before the "transitionalage "should be within the limits of 137-164 cm, weight can vary within the limits of 27-64 kg. If nevertheless parents have an alarm about the body weight of the child, then try to calculate the body mass index. This is a sure way of testing, suitable for any gender and age.

To calculate the body mass index, the weight should be divided into a square of growth. For example, weight 48 kg, height 1.56 - then 48: (1.56 * 1.56), that is 48: 2.4336, is equal to 19.72.

To the norm of the body mass index is the value from 19 to 25. If this figure is less than 19, then this indicates a deficit of weight, and if more than 25 - then about the excess.

height and weight for girls

The transition period for girls

The transition period for the girl is a complexprocess of emotional and physical rebuilding of a young organism. The child begins to perceive the reality surrounding him and people differently, to see what he did not pay attention to before. There may come a time of total rejection of all norms of behavior. Actions go against all things, but this does not mean that the teenager has become a bad person, it's just that the physical changes that occur during this period in the body of a young girl force the nervous system to work "for wear," and it is clear that the girl is not up to the end she understands why she is so. During the transitional age, puberty occurs, because of which the development processes are accelerated, there is at first some delay, after which there is a sharp increase in the growth rates and the weight of the girl. Usually this jump begins with the moment of the first menstruation. Also for the transition period is characterized by the final formation of the internal organs of the girl and the production of a huge amount of hormones. At this time, parents should be most attentive to the young girl.

table weight and height for adolescent girls
Changes in the body of a teenage girlare natural and come from everyone in different ways and at different times. Girls grow and gain weight. In order for parents to be aware of how correctly the child develops, there are different counting formulas and tables of growth and weight norms for children.

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