The ratio of weight and height in men and women is a factor of health and success
To feel comfortable, a person shouldFollow not only for their appearance, but also for weight, because extra pounds lead to disruption of the body's organs, increase overall fatigue and nervousness. It is unreasonable to adjust your weight to any generally accepted standards and norms, because the body weight of a person depends on growth, body type and age. A significant role is played by genetic factors. For example, if everything in the family is small and stocky, it is unlikely to be achieved by any methods of a model figure.
Weight and height ratio for men and womendepends on their physique. There are three types: normostenic, hypersthenic and asthenic physique. The type is determined according to the Solovyov index, which is the circumference of the thinnest place of the wrist and is an indicator of the thickness of human bones, and therefore of their mass. With the normostenic physique, the main body dimensions are proportional and the correct weight and height ratio is observed for men and women. The index of Soloviev in this case is 18-20. Representatives with a hypersthenic physique have a Soloviev index above 20. They have increased transverse dimensions of the body, and such people are of the type of large-boned. In the basic proportions of the body, the proportions between the width of the shoulders and the length of the legs are not observed. The ratio of weight and height in men and women of asthenic type (Solov'ev index less than 18) is distinguished by the elongation of all the basic sizes. Such people are narrow-skinned with a long neck and limbs, a thin bone and, as a rule, underdeveloped muscles. To determine the weight according to the existing physique, a special table for the weight and height of women and men was developed. The range of growth given in it is from 157.7 to 193 centimeters.
The correct ratio of weight and height in menthe fat quantity factor in relation to the musculoskeletal mass. It is calculated using the Quetelet index, it is for him to judge the possible obesity or lack of weight. To calculate it, you need to divide the total body weight by the height, in meters, squared. Normal body weight is considered for the Quetelet index from 18.5 to 19.5. An increase in the indices indicates an excess of weight and a certain stage of obesity, and a decrease in them - about underweight and possible dystrophy.
When calculating the correct weight, rememberthe fact that the normal weight of a person increases with age. To determine the weight according to age, there is a table of the weight and height of women and men. In addition, the correct weight can be calculated using different formulas and methods. Of the most popular - the formula of the ratio of weight and growth of Brock. In this case, 110 are subtracted from the growth in centimeters for people under 40 years old, and after 100 years -100. Calculation of this formula is very approximate, since the factor of build is not taken into account, namely the effect of bone mass on the total weight.
The formula of the ratio of weight and height, of course,is the easiest way to calculate, but in fact, you can determine the presence of extra pounds by the thickness of the fat fold on the abdominal wall above the navel. In the absence of signs of obesity, it should be a thickness of 1-2 centimeters.
It should be remembered that the ideal weight isThe one that allows itself to feel healthy and successful. If you notice the discomfort in the sensations of your body, first of all, look at the pictures and remember at what period of your life you felt comfortable, and what proportion at the same time was your weight and height. If a couple of extra pounds does not stop you from living, think about whether it's worth dumping them and exposing your body to stress. Striving for a ghostly ideal is not always able to improve health and mood.