/ / Basophils elevated - anxiety symptom

Basophils are elevated - an alarming symptom

lymphocytes and basophils are increased

Basophils are specific blood cells thatare produced by a hematopoietic granulocyte germ. Basophils are included in the category of granulocytes. From the bone marrow they enter the bloodstream and are in free circulation for three to four hours, after which they are introduced into tissues where they live for 10-12 days. Basophils are few, their percentage in the blood is 0.5-1.0%, accurate counting is possible with leukocyte analysis.

Function of basophils

If basophils are elevated, this means that inthe body began an inflammatory process. An increase in the level of basophils is considered an important diagnostic criterion. Getting into the inflammatory focus, basophils open and begin to release active substances: heparin, histamine and serotonin. The function of basophils is focused on immediate response, for example, in case of anaphylactic shock. But in conjunction with lymphocytes, basophils can also participate in slow reactions. If basophils are constantly elevated, this state of the body is called basophilia. In an adult, their level can reach up to 2-3% and this does not cause fear, but if the level goes up, it should be urgently examined to diagnose the disease. It should be remembered that basophils are activated at any allergic reaction of the body. In addition, basophilia is a sure sign of circulatory system diseases in acute leukemia, polycethemia and chronic myeloid leukemia.

basophils and monocytes are elevated

Interaction of cells

The percentage of basophil content increases duringreception of hormonal preparations. Hemolytic anemia is also accompanied by basophilia. But if lymphocytes and basophils are raised, it is most likely a mixed process, when the inflammatory system affects the immune system of the body. In this case, there is a systematic interaction of cells, aimed at eliminating harmful agents. The same happens when basophils and monocytes are elevated simultaneously. Cells are combined to solve a common problem. Unlike fast-reacting basophils, monocytes and lymphocytes differ in their actions in their actions, since their purpose is reduced to participation in processes occurring in the immune system of the body. If the level of monocytes and lymphocytes increases, basophils will also be elevated. However, the action of the cells is different. Immunity is responsible for neutralization and counteraction to harmful external agents, bacteria, viruses, parasite-antigens.

basophils are elevated

Destruction of antigens

Phagocytosis and development of antibodies occur. In the process, granulocytes are involved, including basophils and neutrophils, monocytes and lymphocytes. The quantitative content of cells shows an ordinary blood test. The main phagocytic cells are monocytes. They are produced in the bone marrow and then located in local areas, attacked by antigens. At this stage, lymphocytes that produce antibodies begin to interact with monocytes. This function lies on the lymphocytes of group B. Tigers are directly destroyed by antigens. But the most effective antigen neutralizers are 0-lymphocytes, which detect and destroy absolutely all harmful agents. In the case when monocytes, lymphocytes and basophils are raised, the tumor process is most likely in the body.


Separately, monocytes are classified. With an increase in their number, monocyte absolute or relative begins, depending on the severity of the disease. A low level of leukocytes and neutrophils characterizes relative monocytosis. Active inflammatory processes or purulent infections are absolute monocytosis. Monocytosis in any form suggests that stimulation of tissue macrophage production has entered the active phase.

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