Is the procedure of heart ultrasound important?
As everyone has long known, the heart of a person inits basis consists of 4 chambers: two of which are called the atrium, and the other two are ventricles. The atria, which also split into the right and left in the heart, occupy the main upper part, and the left and right ventricles have its lower base. Precisely to see if the blood flow between these parts of the myocardium is right, all people sooner or later carry out a procedure that the doctors called the ultrasound of the heart.
Heart ultrasound, or scientific echocardiographyis a research method that allows to reveal the presence of various structural anomalies, as well as unknown earlier changes in the departments of the myocardium. In addition, using the procedure of ultrasound of the heart, you can learn about the occurrence of various diseases and vices in the development of partitions between the heart.
It is worth noting that at presentechocardiography is widely used and is used in the diagnosis of myocardial malformation in children and pregnant women, as well as to find diseases in the heart muscle. In addition, with the help of the uzi of the heart, one can accurately know about the diseases in the heart valves and the deficiencies of the heart muscle.
Decoding the uzi of the heart and the main purpose of using the procedure.
Ultrasound of the heart is now the most accessible anda simple method among all myocardial studies that allows you to quickly and accurately identify all diseases in the heart muscle before the onset of various symptoms. With the help of echocardiography, you can see the prerequisites for the onset of the disease associated with coronary artery disease, and also confirm patients' complaints of dyspnea, constant dizziness, and weakness and frequent loss of consciousness.
But the doctor prescribes echocardiography only whenaccurate detection of rare noises in the myocardium, as well as suspected of diseases that often lead to the defeat of the entire heart muscle. In addition, patients with high blood pressure and regular changes on the ECG device undergo an annual ultrasound check.
At present, the uzi of the heart is the price for whichis small, carried out with the help of special modern instruments. These modern devices most often combine a classic device for detecting noises in the heart muscle, and with a special function of Doppler ultrasound, which allows doctors to see the direction and strength of the flow of blood in all the chambers of the heart. It is worth noting that such a function is most important for determining various indicators in the work of the heart, as well as for identifying serious diseases in the valvular heart apparatus.
What diseases can be detected using the procedure of ultrasound of the heart?
Most often, doctors in carrying out this procedurepay special attention to the overall dimensions of the heart chambers, as well as to changes in the thickness of the chamber walls. In addition, the outlines and work of all valves in the chambers of the heart, the movement of the heart muscle and other indicators of myocardial efficiency are explored. If doctors notice rapid changes in one or another indicator and parameter in the human body, then this directly indicates extensive heart disease in the patient's heart.
Also, using the device, you can identify variouscongenital malformations in the heart, even in newborn children. To such congenital heart diseases most often doctors include a group of numerous defects in the general structure and structure of the heart muscle. More often, all manifestations of the disease appear even in the prenatal state, and the state of the future child's heart is affected by the effects of unfavorable factors from the external environment on the still developing fetus. So, to pass the ultrasound of the heart is necessary not only for adults, but also for the youngest children.