/ / Inguinal hernia in women

Inguinal hernia in women

An inguinal hernia called this conditionan organism in which the organs of the abdominal cavity extend beyond the boundaries of the abdominal wall and fall into the inguinal region. It is also interesting that inguinal hernia in women is much less common than in men. As a rule, such a disease is the result of weakness of the abdominal muscles.

Inguinal hernia in women and its causes

The reasons for this state in women are stillnot studied. In most cases, the hernia occurs as a result of congenital or acquired weakness of the peritoneum muscles. Occasionally, muscle weakness is the result of congenital pathologies.

As a rule, to weaken the muscles leads to an extraweight, insufficient movement, as well as severe injuries, bumps and lifting heavy weights. Very often inguinal hernia in women occurs as a result of pregnancy and childbirth, as the muscles at the same time withstand too much stress.

Inguinal hernia in women and its varieties

Modern medicine classifies hernia. The most common disorder is only on one side, while the bilateral inguinal hernia is diagnosed significantly less often.

The most common form is the straight lineinguinal hernia in women, when the intestinal loop falls into the inner part of the groin. In most cases, such a violation is the cause of heavy physical labor or heavy lifting.

It is quite rare, but nevertheless,diagnosed and femoral hernia, which affects only women after childbirth or pregnancy. With such a disease, some of those organs that are normally located inside the abdominal cavity, drop and form a prominent protrusion in the upper region of the thigh.

Inguinal hernia in women: symptoms

The main sign of the hernia is convexity,located in the groin area. Women suffer from those muscles and connective tissues that connect the uterus to the tissues of the vagina. In a horizontal position, for example, lying, no defects are visible, since the convexity appears only when walking or standing.

In some cases, patients complain of pain anddiscomfort in the groin. In the event that the hernia blocks the normal blood supply or interferes with the normal functioning of organs located in the pelvic area, the disease may be accompanied by other symptoms. For example, fever, fever, and severe pain syndrome are quite common in sick women.

Inguinal hernia in women and methods of its treatment

The most common inguinal hernia is an indication ofsurgical intervention. In addition, sick people are advised to limit physical activity, but at the same time gradually train the muscles of the peritoneum and pelvis.

In the case of femoral hernia operativeIntervention is not required, as it passes by itself. It is worth noting that only a doctor can prescribe the operation or other methods of treatment after examining and studying the medical history. Do not treat yourself alone or completely refuse it, as this can be the cause of severe consequences.

Inguinal hernia in women: methods of prevention

Preventive measures are very simple. First, you need to lead a moderately active lifestyle, engage in suitable sports that can strengthen the abdominal and pelvic muscles.

In addition, it is worth noting that the hernia sometimesis the result of frequent constipation. That is why proper nutrition is simply an essential element of hernia prevention. It is necessary to include in the diet a sufficient amount of fiber, which stimulates the work of the intestine. If necessary, you can take and light laxatives.

It is necessary to avoid unnecessary strain on the muscles of the press, to refuse to lift too heavy things.

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