/ / useful properties of celery

useful properties of celery

Celery today is a fairly common plant. People are attracted not only by its taste qualities, but also by the useful properties of celery, which the ancient Egyptians knew as well.

First, celery is rich in vitamins. Among them are A, C, B1 and B2, PP, K. It should be noted that if you eat one celery stalk per day, you can satisfy about 7% of the daily requirement of the body in vitamin A and C. In addition to the availability of vitamins, the benefits of celery is the content of micro- and macroelements, among which the most important for the human body are magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, as well as carotenoids, phytoncides and folic acid.

Secondly, celery is necessary for people who havethe potassium-sodium balance is violated. After all, this plant has sodium of organic origin, capable of replacing conventional table salt. This is not present in other vegetables.

Thirdly, everything in celery is balanced so that it is easy for the human body to easily assimilate the useful substances contained in the vegetable. It is an excellent anti-aging, cleansing and firming remedy.

For people with excess weight, you need celery juice,Since it promotes the burning of excess fats without compromising health. And this is achieved due to low caloric content and a large amount of fiber. Thus, if you eat a salad of fresh celery, you will not feel hungry for a long time, and the body will be full of energy.

In addition, this plant must be included in theration to those who often suffer from colds, and allergies. He comes to the rescue and those who have high blood pressure. It should also be noted that the beneficial properties of celery strengthens the immune system and the nervous system. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary for people, whose work is connected with emotional and psychological loads.

It's no secret that celery is beautifulremoves toxins from the blood, prevents thrombosis and the emergence of various tumors. He, as a "natural solvent", dissolves and removes from the body all harmful substances.

Many girls and women use the useful properties of celery for cooking masks for hair and face, since it has a rejuvenating effect.

Miracle plant has found application in folkmedicine. His juice since ancient times used as a means to improve blood and digestion. Celery juice normalizes metabolism and removes kidney stones.

For those who do not know how and what to make of celery, we will give a few "tasty" recipes.

1) Omelette with celery. For an omelet you will need two stalks of celery, two eggs, 100 ml of milk (half cup), butter (about 20 grams) and salt to taste. To begin with, cut the celery the way you want, but the slices must necessarily be thin. Then put out with butter and a little water. While the celery is stewed, beat eggs with milk and salt and pour this mixture of stewed celery. Fry until done.

2) Vitamin juice from celery, carrots andapple. For juice, clean one green apple, medium carrot and a few stalks of celery. All the way through the juicer. Thus, the useful properties of celery in freshly squeezed juice will be preserved. This drink will give you strength and vivacity for the whole day.

All dishes and recipes using celerynot counted. It is fried, stewed, boiled, eaten fresh, added to salads. It fits perfectly with any meat and vegetables. Celery is even part of some savory sauces. In general, there is a lot of benefit from this wonder-grass.

There is a small disadvantage: in food it is necessary to use only fresh celery, since in the rotten samples scientists discovered carcinogenic substances. Store celery in the refrigerator for no more than two weeks.

Now to the question "What is useful for celery?" You can easily give a detailed answer, and yes, and you will add a couple of recipes!

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