/ / Curvature of nasal septums. How to return a light breath?

Curvature of nasal septums. How to return a light breath?

Doctors quite often diagnose curvature of nasal septums. What kind of ail is this? Does it have serious consequences?

curvature of nasal septums
To begin with, the nasal septum isa plate separating the nasal cavity. One part consists of cartilaginous tissue, and the other is a thin bone. It should immediately be said that there are no direct partitions of the nose. All of them are curved, in other words - a crest. Sometimes such a comb can interfere with breathing, that is, close a narrow hole that leads to the maxillary sinus. If it does not pose any danger, then correction is not required.

The causes of deformation of the nasal septum

Because of what there is a curvature?

  • First of all I want to note an interesting fact: The nasal septum increases in size throughout life. Its individual parts grow at different rates. Therefore, the curvature of the nasal septum can be caused by age.
  • This ailment is sometimes caused by physiological prerequisites - uneven development of cartilage and bone tissue. Typically, this type of disease is diagnosed in adolescence.
    curvature of the nasal septum
  • Compensatory curvature of nasal septums occurs in cases when foreign bodies, for example, polyps, are pressurized onto the cartilage.
  • Mechanical deformation. It usually provokes all kinds of injuries. In men, this curvature occurs three times more often.

Curvature of nasal septums: symptoms

Signs of pathology can be as pronounced,and not expressed at all. Everything depends on the degree of deformation of the plate. Correction of the curvature of the nasal septum is justified only in the event that it interferes with breathing. Among the main symptoms experts call the following:

  1. Dryness in the nasal cavity.
  2. Labored breathing.
  3. Snoring in a dream.
  4. In some cases, partial loss of hearing.
  5. Frequent diseases of adjacent organs: rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis.
  6. With mechanical distortion, the shape of the nose changes.


Apparently, to many unpleasant consequencescan cause curvature of the nasal septum. The operation, the price for which varies from 25 to 40 thousand rubles, is carried out only in 26% of cases. Prerequisites for its conduct are:

  • Frequent inflammatory diseases.
  • Highly expressed shortness of breath.
  • Strong snoring.
  • Bleeding from the nose.

Today there are 2 ways to treat the disease.

The first is septoplasty. It is a surgical intervention using endoscopic technologies. Operation lasts no more than an hour, and to be in a hospital it is necessary only 1 day.

The second method is laser treatment. It has many limitations, but in spite of this it is used quite often. Its essence is that certain areas of the nasal plate are heated to the desired temperature and fixed with tampons in the correct position. The patient practically does not experience any discomfort. The operation is often performed on an outpatient basis. Such treatment is effective if the cartilaginous part is curved.

As a rule, within a week after the operation, the patient disappears all symptoms of the disease and restores breathing.

correction of curvature of nasal septum

So, you should not bypass the ENT doctor's office by the side, because the curvature of the nasal septums makes life much more difficult.

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