/ / How much does the temperature of the baby stay with the angina, the causes and characteristics of the treatment

How much with the angina the temperature of the child keeps, the causes and characteristics of the treatment

The first symptom of a baby getting sick is usuallyis the fever. Usually in this case, the mother begins to look for the cause, checks the throat, the presence of a cough or a cold. If you clearly see an increase in tonsils, redness and swelling of the throat, then, begins angina. In this case, you need not delaying to invite a doctor so that he or she appoints the optimal treatment. Parents must know how much temperature in the angina the child's temperature keeps, and also to be guided by the symptoms and causes of the disease in order to provide him with effective help. That's why today we decided to talk about this in more detail.

how much at angina the temperature at the child keeps

Normal performance

Sometimes doctors are faced with the fact that youngparents are so worried about their child that they forget what a normal temperature should be. If the measurement is made in the armpit, the norm will be 36-37 degrees. If the figures are significantly higher than the norm, then you must always invite a doctor and monitor the condition of the baby. The younger the child, the more often they can change. In infants, even the most minor pathologies can cause sudden fluctuations several times a day. In this case, the diagnosis is much more difficult. Most often, such jumps are observed in infectious infections. However, we deviated a little from the topic. Today we want to talk about how much the child's temperature in the angina is.

Clinical picture

If the flu or ARI can begin with a coldor cough, general weakness, then acute tonsillitis always develops the same way. This fever, swelling of the throat and purulent formations, which have different localization. Indicators of the thermometer column can be very high, but in most cases it is 38 degrees. And here, how much at an angina the temperature at the child keeps, will depend on the form of disease, immunity and correctly appointed treatment.

how much is the temperature with angina in children

Features of the child's body

What is often overlooked by parents? Estimating how much the angina is holding the child's temperature, they are guided by themselves. In an adult, the temperature usually passes within 2-3 days (with adequate treatment and no complications). In children, usually the recovery is delayed, which is the subject of experiences for the mother. In this case, the doctor who will observe the disease in the dynamics is best able to calm down and will be able to accurately say how much the child's temperature in the angina is. The acute phase can last up to a week, after which purulent formations begin to appear in the throat and the condition is normalized.


It is most important for the attending physician to installthe cause of tonsillitis. From this, it will directly depend on how much the temperature keeps in the angina in children. Both bacteria and viruses can provoke angina. Frequent pathogens are streptococci and other bacteria. And from viruses most often doctors diagnose adenovirus, herpes, influenza, rhinovirus. In addition, the causes of development can be hypothermia, caries.

angina how many days does the temperature in children

How high can the temperature rise

It depends on many factors, like that,how much the temperature at an angina at children keeps. Physicians share several types of tonsillitis, each of which manifests itself in different ways. In addition, the same form can occur with its own characteristics, depending on the protective forces of the body.

So, with angina it is common to divide the following gradation of temperatures:

  • If the column does not rise above 38 degrees, thenyou can not worry much. To knock down it is not necessary, on the contrary, with its help the organism creates unbearable conditions for bacteria and viruses. This is an ideal response if the person has angina. How many days the temperature of children in this interval keeps, it is difficult to answer, but usually does not exceed 5 days, after which the condition is normalized.
  • Febrile - when the thermometer's column rises to 39 degrees.
  • The pyretic is a very dangerous threshold whenthe temperature rises to 40. Even if the doctor you had recently, call an ambulance. Such a temperature in a child's angina can very quickly lead to tragic consequences. While waiting for the ambulance team, strip the baby, compress from a wet towel on your head and wipe the body with water at room temperature.
  • Hyperpyretic temperature - over 40 degrees. Here the question is about life and death.
    child's sore throat

Types of sore throats

Usually the doctor on examination can tell what we arehave a deal. Based on this, it is possible to predict how many days a high fever is maintained in case of quinsy. Let's look at the main types so that readers also have an idea:

  • Catarrhal sore throat, accompanied by sorethroat, painful sensations and weakness. A person has no appetite, there is pain in muscles and joints, as well as headache. In this form of angina, subfebrile temperature is observed, up to 38 degrees. It usually lasts for 3-4 days.
  • Lacunar form is an acute purulent inflammation.lacunae of the tonsils. The child completely refuses to eat, as it is unbearably painful to swallow. The temperature rises to 39 degrees, and at this point holds up to 5 days.
  • Follicular sore throat. The first symptoms are weakness and weakness. Then they are joined by body aches and severe chills. Finally, the temperature rises in quinsy. How much can he hold, only the doctor will say after examining, but usually after 4-5 days relief comes.
  • Herpes - the temperature rises irregularly, which are observed for several days.
  • Reflux - the temperature and swelling of the throat is maintained until then, until you open the purulent abscesses.

how many days have a high fever with sore throat


Why this disease can not be allowed to drift? Because it threatens the most serious complications. We used to think that typical childhood diseases should also go away by themselves. But a sore throat is the enemy that only an experienced doctor should fight. Complications after a sore throat can be both local (defeat of the nasopharynx), and common when the whole body is under attack. Often improper treatment leads to the fact that the disease becomes chronic. Among local complications, otitis and phlegmon, laryngeal edema, abscess, almond bleeding, and sinusitis are common.

Among the dangerous consequences that alsooccur on the background of improper treatment, emit bronchitis and pneumonia. But that's not all. Launched tonsillitis leads to renal failure, rheumatism and meningitis, sepsis, and infectious toxic shock.

fever for tonsillitis

We proceed to treatment

Self-prescribing drugsis unacceptable. Today, many pharmacies refuse to sell drugs without a doctor's prescription. That's right, especially when it comes to children. At the first symptoms of angina, you need to prescribe the correct treatment, which includes a number of methods.

  • Gargling is a mandatory appointment, withoutwhose recovery will be greatly delayed in time. To do this, you can use various folk compositions, decoctions of herbs, salt and soda. Pharmacies have a huge amount of antiseptic solutions. The most famous is "Furacillin".
  • Pastilles and lozenges areA great way to reduce sore throat and relieve inflammation. The most popular drugs are Strepsils, Hexoral, Faringosept, or Tabs.
  • To date, well provensprays. They act quickly, irrigate the entire cavity of the throat, small droplets penetrate everywhere where bacteria can hide. Children are often prescribed Ingalipt.
  • It is very important to maintain the body's immunity, which means it will be extremely beneficial to take vitamin and mineral complexes.
  • Immunomodulators are important in the treatment of angina, but they should be taken only at the first symptoms of the disease. These are Viferon, Groprinosin and its analogs.
  • Sometimes children are prescribed antihistamine medications to avoid edema. This is "Finistil", "Suprastin."
    How much is the temperature in case of sore throat?

Prescribing antibiotics

Often they are used if the child is highfever for sore throat How much is held and how to shoot down, we have already talked, but if a week has passed and local preparations, rinses and cold compresses did not help, then it is necessary to connect more serious medicines. Since the cause is most often bacteria, it is necessary to resort to the use of antibiotics. Only a doctor with extensive experience can select the right drug. In this case, on the second day, the temperature should decrease. Children are prescribed drugs in the form of syrups or suspensions. If the temperature drops, it does not mean that the drug should be canceled. The course is at least 7-10 days.

First aid

These are drugs to reduce the temperature. It is about them that we remember first of all, although they do not have a therapeutic effect, but only temporarily lower body temperature. They should be used only when the temperature has risen above 38 degrees. This is most often used candles, suspensions or syrups based on "Ibuprofen" or "Paracetamol". Antipyretics do not cancel the need for the main treatment of angina.

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