/ / Vaginal tearing during labor

Vaginal rupture during labor

Vaginal rupture is a violation of the wholeconditions of the walls of the vagina. Most often, this pathology occurs during childbirth, but it can also occur with various gynecological and obstetrical operations, with coarse sexual intercourse, when falling on sharp objects, etc. As a rule, a rupture is observed in the lower and upper parts of the vagina and is accompanied by damage to the perineum. The middle part is most rarely traumatized, since it has greater elasticity and less fixed.

Causes of vaginal rupture during labor

rupture of the vagina

  • High location of the perineum.
  • Swift or, conversely, prolonged labor.
  • Narrowed vagina.
  • The presence of scars on the tissues of the vagina.
  • Inflammatory processes.
  • Insufficient elasticity of ligaments.

Diagnosis and Symptoms

The main and only sign thatthere was a rupture of the vaginal wall, there is profuse bleeding. Diagnosis of the pathology that arises is not particularly difficult and does not take much time. As a rule, the vaginal rupture is visible to the naked eye or by means of special mirrors.


rupture of the vaginal wall

Vaginal rupture requires promptintervention, which occurs immediately after childbirth. Before the operation, the place where the stitches will be applied is treated with an antiseptic solution. The woman is given anesthesia (local, epidural or intravenous), the doctor begins to sew up the gaps.

After operation

To prevent discrepancies and suppuration of suturesThe open vagina (or, to be more precise, the genitals) should be treated with disinfectant solutions (potassium permanganate, chlorhexidine) at least 3 times a day for 2-3 days. If deep gaps were found, then antibiotics and syringing are carried out with the same solutions within 3-4 days after delivery.

It should be borne in mind that in this case, a young mother is forbidden to stay 1,5-2 weeks. For 1.5-2 months, a woman is contraindicated in sexual relations.


open vagina

To prevent the vaginal rupture of the woman in laborIt is necessary to follow all the recommendations of the doctor leading the delivery, especially during the appearance of the baby's head. Also an important factor that will help to prevent damage to the walls of the vagina, is the correct and careful performance of operations that help a woman give birth (use of obstetrical forceps, extraction, etc.). If the vaginal rupture is unavoidable, the obstetrician should perform a perineotomy - surgical excision of the vaginal tissues along the middle line, or an episiotomy - the dissection of the labia majora by 2 cm in depth from both or on one side. They resort to these actions for the purpose of the fastest growing of the wound, since the cut edges "get accustomed" to each other better than the torn and injured ones.

Most clinical studies have shown,psycho-preventive preparation for childbirth plays an important role in the prevention of ruptures. It is also reported that, in order to prevent ruptures in the vaginal tissues, a solution of the lysada is injected.

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