Loss of the Vagina
Vaginal prolapse and its omission affectsfive to thirty percent of women. Genital prolapse is observed in many women after childbirth. And some of the fairer sex feel the symptoms of this ailment. The disease is also characteristic of older women.
Vaginal prolapse has a polyethylenecharacter. The main role is given to physical, genetic and psychological factors. Leaders give medical workers age, heredity, childbirth and birth trauma, heavy physical work, increased intraperitoneal pressure, scars after the inflammations and operations, psychosomatic influence on the vascular structure of the pelvic area, inability of the striated muscles to provide the pelvic floor and others.
A special place among causal factorspathological changes are given to connective tissue dysplasia. This disorder is due to a reduced content of some collagen varieties or imbalance. As a result, the density of the connective tissues of the organs decreases. Most of the patients with dysplasia account for the female part. Omission and loss of the vagina is often associated with prolapses of the heart valves. The diseases are also accompanied by non-traumatic dislocations and dysplasia of the club joints, myopia, hernia of various localization, varicose veins.
Imbalance in the synthesis of steroid hormonespromotes the development of the disease. Suffer from women in fertile age, who have prolapse of the genitals, recorded hormonal imbalance. It consists in the violation of the production of gonadotropin and corticosteroids. The lack of estrogen favors the development of atrophic processes that occur in estrogen-dependent tissues of the lower parts of the genitourinary system.
As a result of the above factorsthe ligamentous apparatus of the internal genital organs and the bottom of the pelvis loses its functionality. Intra-abdominal pressure helps to push the organs beyond the bottom of the pelvis. There are several degrees of the disease.
Complete loss of the vagina is characterized by the "exit" of the organ beyond the hernial opening. This happens with dysfunction of all ligamentous groups.
The omission of the vagina has three degrees. At the first, the front or back (or both) of the vaginal wall is dropped. The second degree is characterized by a partial prolapse of the anterior wall and part of the bladder. The posterior wall and part of the rectum wall can also "exit" outside the vagina. The third degree is the full loss of the vagina mentioned above. The uterus also falls. Its displacement occurs in several stages.
On the first, the uterus or her neck falls onlevel of the entrance to the vagina. At the next stage, the uterus and its neck partially fall out with a strong pelvic tension. Then comes an incomplete fallout beyond the sexual gap. Then the uterus falls completely. The whole body goes beyond the genital slit. There is a loss of the walls of the vagina.
The process of deposition can develop with differentspeed. This is due to female physiology. Diseases of the vagina are usually accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, frequent urge to urinate, complicated urination, urinary incontinence, constipation, diarrhea, back pain, sensation of an alien body in the vagina, a violation of the menstrual cycle, secondary infertility.
Urological complications are caused by the proximity of the pelvic organs. The result of such complications can act even atrophic changes in the muscles of the bladder.
Incontinence of gases and feces is a serious manifestation of the disease.