Hypertensive crisis: symptoms and first aid
All over the world hypertensive disease suffersquite a lot of people. Some patients periodically develop a hypertensive crisis, the symptoms of which are a strong increase in blood pressure, which leads to damage to the heart, blood vessels, brain. With this condition, pressure indicators often reach the figures 220/120, but the crisis can occur even at much lower values - it all depends on the overall health of the hypertension.
Hypertensive crisis symptoms in the form of increased blood pressureas a result of a violation of the balance between the tone of the vessels and the minute volume of blood pushed into the vascular bed. At the same time in small vessels there is a spasm, and the heart is reduced quite powerful, which leads to an increase in blood pressure and impaired delivery to tissues and organs of oxygen.
Hypertensive crisis: symptoms and types
The condition can be uncomplicated and complicated. In the first case, treatment is done on an outpatient basis, in full, the pressure can be reduced in 1-2 days. In the second case, a life-threatening crisis develops, it requires emergency treatment and, in the event of failure to provide timely assistance, often leads to disability or death.
As already noted, an uncomplicated crisis is not dangerousfor life. Nevertheless, every hypertensive patient must have information about how to help themselves in the event of the development of such a condition. There are a number of tablets designed to lower blood pressure. However, you need to do this in accordance with certain rules. So, in the first two hours it is permissible to reduce blood pressure by no more than 20-25%. Within 6 hours, it should be reduced to the numbers 160/100. Norms (values 120/80) should be reached after 1-2 days. So, the drugs, with which you should carry out the normalization of blood pressure in hypertensive crisis, include medicines "Captopril", "Carvedilol", "Nifedipine", "Furosemide", "Clonidine." Most of them begin to act about half an hour after admission.
The patient, who developed a complicated crisis,before the arrival of an ambulance can only be helped by realizing which organ has been affected. So, with a heart attack, the victim should take a nitroglycerin pill under the tongue, drink an aspirin tablet. If pulmonary edema develops, hypertensive crisis can be attempted by taking nitroglycerin under the tongue, and inside - 40 mg of furosemide, the patient should take a sitting position, lowering his legs to the floor.