/ / Cleaning Air-Flow: photos before and after, reviews

Cleaning Air-Flow: photos before and after, reviews

A snow-white smile emphasizes the externalattractiveness of its owner. But professional teeth whitening is not only not affordable for everyone, but also has a number of contraindications, negative consequences for health. An alternative is cleaning the Air-Flow. Today such procedure is offered both by private clinics and by state medical institutions. What this manipulation is, how effective and safe it is, we will cover in this material.

Cleaning Air Flow

What is tooth brushing using the Air-Flow method?

Despite the innovative name itselfThe procedure is quite simple, not requiring special professional equipment and materials. In fact, cleaning Air-Flow is a method of eliminating plaque by using a high-pressure jet of air and water with soda. Sometimes calcium crystals are used as an abrasive substance. This filler solution carefully cleans the enamel, but it costs more, so it is rarely used. The special Air-Flow device sprays this mixture onto the dentition, destroying the deposits even in places inaccessible to other cleaning methods (between the teeth, on the gums). In addition, there is a careful polishing of the enamel, "soft" bleaching at 1-2 tone due to the removal of plaque and deposits.

In dentistry, this method is not referred to eitherchemical methods of tooth cleaning (since chemical components are not used), nor to mechanical methods (as during the procedure there is no direct contact with the equipment). Cleaning Air-Flow refers to auxiliary methods of oral care.

Finish the procedure by polishing the dentitionSpecial pastes with a soft rotating brush. Thus, residues of dental plaque, plaque are removed. Some clinics offer patients to cover tooth enamel with dental lacquer to fix the result of professional cleaning.

The duration of the procedure is from 15 to 40 minutes (depending on the initial state of the dentition).

Professional cleaning of Air Flow

Is the procedure for cleaning the teeth of Air-Flow painful?

The procedure is absolutely painless. Although some discomfort during cleaning is still noted. Despite the use of a special suction, the patient swallows a certain volume of liquid sprayed by the apparatus. Although the solution is flavored with lemon flavor, it is still unsuitable for internal use. In addition, soda irritates the oral mucosa - some patients experience burning sensation in the mouth directly during the cleaning process, and after the procedure dryness and soda in the mouth and lips are observed. If swallowed, the solution may cause heartburn, indigestion.

Indications for the procedure

Professional cleaning of Air-Flow is carried out asan independent procedure for the care of the dentition, namely it is used to prevent the formation of dental calculus and persistent plaque, and as a preparatory work before dental implantation, prosthetics or bleaching.

Experts recommend that such a hygienic procedure be performed twice a year, especially for people who consume products staining tooth enamel (coffee, strong tea, juices), as well as for smokers.

Indications for the procedure are as follows:

  • The appearance of plaque and minor dental deposits (it is necessary to prevent diseases such as caries and periodontitis).
  • Pigmentation of the tooth.
  • The problem of crowded teeth (too close to each other). With this problem, other methods of cleaning the interdental space will be ineffective.
  • Scheduled removal of bracket systems.
  • Upcoming chemical bleaching, dental implantation or prosthetics.

Professional tooth cleaning Air Flow


Professional cleaning of teeth Air-Flow has a number of advantages in comparison with other types of hygiene procedures, including ultrasonic treatment of enamel:

  • painless procedure;
  • absence of mechanical contact with the device, which often leads to tooth damage (therefore Air-Flow is recommended for patients with dental implants);
  • the possibility of processing hard-to-reach zones;
  • effectiveness (the result is noticeable after the first procedure);
  • nontoxicity of the solution;
  • Enrichment with fluoride of tooth enamel.


Despite the safety of carrying out such a tooth cleaning, there are contraindications to its conduct. It is not possible to carry out the Air-Flow procedure under such conditions as:

  • Periodontal disease (cleansing can provoke bleeding gums, their inflammation, swelling).
  • The presence of a large amount of dental deposits (notcope with multiple deep deposits cleaning Air-Flow). The photo before the procedure, presented below, demonstrates at what initial state of the dentition the procedure will be effective.
  • Bronchitis and bronchial asthma, other diseases of the respiratory system are a direct contraindication to brushing teeth in this way.
  • People who are prescribed a salt-free diet can not also carry out such a hygienic procedure.
  • Patients who are allergic to citrus fruits are not recommended for Air-Flow.
  • The procedure is carried out with care to pregnant and lactating women.

Cleaning Air Flow: photo

Cleaning result

The result of hygienic cleaning of the dentition by the Air-Flow method is noticeable immediately after the procedure:

  • deposits of tartar and plaque are eliminated;
  • teeth become lighter by removing contaminants;
  • the dentition becomes shiny as a result of grinding.

In the photo below you can see how effective Air Flow cleaning is. Before and after the procedure, the teeth look completely different.

Cleaning Air Flow: before and after


In order to maintain the effect of cleaning Air-Flow, experts advise to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Within 3 hours after the procedure, you can not eat food that can color the enamel (beets, juices, coffee, etc.).
  2. It is also necessary to refrain from smoking for several hours.
  3. If further chemical teeth whitening is planned, then this procedure can be carried out no earlier than 2 weeks after Air-Flow.


The price of one procedure of professional cleaningthe tooth-row of Air-Flow averages 1500-2000 rubles. But often clinics provide various promotions for such a hygiene service: a pre-holiday price reduction or cleaning as an incentive bonus, provided that other dental manipulations, for example, a seal are performed.

Air-Flow (cleaning): patient feedback

Despite the simplicity of the procedure for cleaning teethby the method of Air-Flow, there are mixed comments about such dental manipulation. Most often, negative opinions arise as a result of insufficient awareness of patients about the nature of such a procedure. Namely: people expect instant visible whitening of enamel. In fact, as we found out above, Air-Flow only removes plaque, dirt, stones, returning to the patient the natural initial color of the teeth.

Therefore, often there are reviews in whichpatients note the inefficiency of such cleansing. Also, visitors to the dental office indicate unpleasant sensations during the tooth cleaning process, burning in the oral cavity. According to patients, the sensitivity of the teeth increases, bleeding gums appear after the Air-Flow (cleaning) has been performed.

The positive testimonies testify that such procedure is an effective way of preventing diseases of the dentition. In addition, there is a marked cleansing of the enamel, removal of stones.

Air Flow Cleaning: Feedback

Air-Flow cleaning - effective hygienea procedure that promotes dental care. This additional purification of the enamel significantly reduces the risk of developing dental diseases and has an aesthetic effect.

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