/ / Contraceptive plaster and new methods of modern medicine

Contraceptive plaster and new methods of modern medicine

To date, along with oraldrugs and injections, plasters become more and more popular. For example, many women choose exactly a contraceptive patch instead of hormonal tablets and other contraceptives. What can explain such a rapid increase in popularity?

First, it is believed that patches harm health less than other drugs, and much less cause side effects. Secondly, consumers claim that using a band-aid is more convenient.

Transdermal patch: what is it?

To date, transdermal patchesare considered the most progressive method of treatment. In their manufacture, nanoparticles are used, which slowly penetrate into the blood immediately after gluing. This method of treatment has several advantages. Using a patch allows you to slowly enter a therapeutic dose of the drug within a day.

On the other hand, this treatment eliminates the so-called "forgetting effect". After all, we often have to take some medications regularly. And sometimes a person still breaks the regime.

Transdermal patches allowany treatment. When they are manufactured, hormonal components, antibacterial agents, substances that increase the level of immunity, etc. can be used.

What is a contraceptive patch?

To date, this is a completely newContraceptive means, the reliability of which is from 70 to 99% (depending on the manufacturer). The contraceptive patch contains certain doses of hormones that begin to penetrate slowly through the skin immediately after attaching the strip to the body. Penetrating into the blood, hormonal substances affect the female reproductive system, stopping the development of ovulation. And since the egg never ripens, it is impossible to conceive.

Such products have reliable adhesive strips,therefore, when worn carefully, they do not come off. Typically, one patch provides protection for about a week. Glue it best on the scapula, buttocks or stomach - here they will hold better and remain unnoticed.

Since the patch contains small dosesthe same hormones as the preoral preparations, then the side effects remain the same. But when wearing a band-aid, unwanted reactions occur less often, and sometimes pass on their own.

The contraceptive patch has somecontraindications. For example, it can not be used by women at risk of developing thrombosis. Plaster is prohibited in the presence of malignant tumors, during pregnancy and lactation, as well as at the risk of developing a heart attack or stroke. In any case, hormone drugs can be prescribed only by a doctor.

Klimara plaster: another treatment

Along with contraception, plasters are used withthe purpose of treating various diseases, which in one way or another are associated with a violation of the hormonal background. And the plaster "Klimara" just contains a complex of synthetic estrogens, which by their nature are almost identical to natural hormones.

This tool is intended for permanentintroduction into the body of the necessary dose of active hormonal substances. Use it, usually to relieve the symptoms that accompany the appearance of menopause. In addition, the patch is considered an excellent prevention of postmenopausal osteoporosis. This remedy can cause a number of adverse reactions. Most often, this is the appearance of redness on the skin where the application was placed. In more severe cases, migraines, swelling, dizziness, or bleeding are possible.

In any case, it is worth remembering that the hormone preparation has the right to appoint only a doctor. It is dangerous to use such medicines for oneself.

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