/ / Fiber - reviews of people who know

Fiber - reviews of people who know

We all want to be beautiful, healthy,slender, for this we read a huge amount of literature that gives practical advice on how to achieve all this. Today, nobody is surprised by knowledge about fats, proteins and carbohydrates and the need to maintain their balance in the body, but few people know that without complex carbohydrates, healthy eating can not be. Our immunity and many other important processes in our body directly depend on the state of the intestinal microflora. It is for the nutrition of this very microflora that we need fiber. Reviews of people who eat raw dietary fiber, above all praise. Fiber promotes the removal of poisons and toxins from our body, since its main function is to help soft cleansing of the intestines, in which all the harmful is concentrated. Without getting coarse fibers, the body loses its ability to self-clean, and this very quickly leads to very unpleasant problems and a diagnosis that people are embarrassed about telling even the closest.

Fiber (reviews only the most enthusiastic)is a source of energy for our body, along with vitamins and minerals. It is she who is responsible for how long the food will be in the gastrointestinal tract, how quickly it will pass through the digestive organs and how quickly it will be excreted from the body. Today, when the problems of dysbiosis and overweight are threatening, this is especially important. Fiber plant has long interested scientists who have conducted many experiments on the effect of this product on the processes of life of the human body. The answer was unequivocal: earlier people were healthier, as they used more common fibers for food and used much less refined products.

Fiber (customer reviews can be found inInternet) can be of several types. Cellulose and hemicellulose facilitate the work of the large intestine, since they readily absorb liquid, giving the volume of processed food and accelerating its passage through the large intestine. Also these types of fiber are able to prevent constipation, gerrhora, intestinal colic, varicose veins and even colon cancer.

For people suffering from the presence of excessweight, the most indispensable product - fiber. Reviews say that when you take fiber, the desire to eat arises much less often. This is due to the fact that, while absorbing the liquid, the swollen fiber gives a feeling of fullness of the stomach. So where can you find this miracle product. Bran, cabbage (white, Brussels, broccoli), wholemeal flour, young green peas, beets, carrots, apples, peppers and cucumbers (with peel) is not a complete list of products that are simply necessary for the health of our body. But be sure to remember that by exposing these products to heat treatment, you reduce their utility at times. All products that can be eaten raw, you do not need to cook or fry. At best, they can be slightly extinguished, but not for long.

Today, fiber can also be bought in ready-madeform in any pharmacy network. Wheat fiber, for example, basically consists of wheaten peeled bran, to which natural berries, fruits, nuts and herbs are added for taste. At the same time, the product does not contain dyes, fragrances, preservatives and sugar, and modern production technologies allow preserving all vitamins, minerals and organic substances.

Doctors, nutritionists say that a person shoulddaily receive at least twenty-five grams of fiber. Enter in your daily diet whole grains cereals with bran, and this will help you to solve this task with ease. Add to the cereal berries or pieces of fruit, and you will not only improve the taste of porridge, but also increase the share of fiber in your dish. Give preference to whole wheat bread. And, of course, drink more water.

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