/ / Siberian Fiber. Feedback and recommendations

Siberian fat. Feedback and recommendations

Almost every complete person dreams aboutslender fit figure. When the effect is achieved, various diets and fasting are used, but the result is not always impressive. Dropped pounds, alas, and ah, often come back with a tangible "makeweight". What only do desperate people do in trying to bring their weight back to normal, resorting, down to surgical intervention! In this case, the best possible product is Siberian fiber. Reviews of it show that this is exactly what you need, and with her help you can part with truly barbarous ways of losing weight.

What is this magic means, what is hiscomposition and mechanism of action? For your information, the purely natural preparation "Siberian Fiber" is a crumbly powder of gray color, reminiscent of sawdust. This is how the "necessary" fiber should look, the point is that the granular product, on the contrary, contributes to weight gain due to the fact that it is perfectly absorbed by the body. The effect of the product "Siberian Fiber" (reviews confirm), is based on the fact that it, getting into the body, behaves like a brush for cleaning, as it is not digested at all, which is a priority before losing weight: the intestine is freed from "blockages". It is determined that it has a beneficial effect on:

  • control over overeating: swelling in the stomach, cellulose gives a feeling of satiety, which affects slimming;
  • the feeling of hunger is not felt, since the stomach is full, the amount of food consumed is significantly reduced;
  • absorption and elimination of harmful substances entering the body;
  • improved patency and timely withdrawal of waste products;
  • stimulation of intestinal peristalsis;
  • lowering of cholesterol and sugar;
  • prevents the emergence of a number of diseases (oncological, allergic, etc.).

Thus, Siberian fat - reviews onher bright testimony - is an effective product in the complex improvement of the body. How to take this miraculous potion is prompted by the numerous responses left by grateful followers of natural products, who tested the mechanism of action on themselves and achieved stunning results.

First of all, Siberian fat, reviews onwhich is warned against improper use of the remedy, is effective if it is eaten three minutes after dilution with kefir or yoghurt. Otherwise, it will lose one of its most important functions - swollen fiber, getting into the stomach, will no longer swell, and also will not absorb excess fats and slags, that is, it will lose its purifying ability.

Siberian fiber "Thin waist." Diet on its basis

Before starting the diet, you need to weigh andto measure the volumes, since this diet requires the use of water in large quantities, it is best to remove the scales far away and control the weight once in one or two weeks. In order not to be disappointed.

Sample menu (options are possible)


  1. milk porridge in the amount of 200 g with minimal addition of honey (sugar) - if desired;
  2. unsweetened coffee;
  3. vitamins.


  1. 250 grams of fermented baked milk;
  2. 2 tablespoons of fiber;
  3. an apple of medium size;
  4. unsweetened green tea.


  1. mushroom soup (potatoes, mushrooms, salt, onions) - a plate;
  2. 250 g of sweet yogurt;
  3. 2 tablespoons cellulose.


  1. 250 grams of fermented baked milk;
  2. 2 tbsp. l. cellulose;
  3. not sweetened tea.


  1. 250 g of sweet yogurt;
  2. 2 tbsp. l. cellulose;
  3. tomato or cucumber;
  4. tea (unsweetened).

In conclusion, it should be noted that "Siberianfiber "for weight loss, the reviews of which unambiguously confirm its effectiveness, does not provoke after the end of the diet to return the original image of nutrition. In other words, nature has presented mankind with a generous gift in the form of a fiber capable of creating real miracles for its admirers, seeking to normalize their weight and keep the body clean thanks to a beautiful natural product.

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