/ / Baked Apples: Benefits for the body

Baked Apples: Benefits for the body

Apple is a fairly common fruit. Cultivate it in various countries of the world. This is the most common product in household food, it is used throughout the year. Prepared from apples compotes, jam, jam, jam, all kinds of drinks, juices, they are included in the compositions of many interesting recipes. Also eaten baked, marinated, soaked apples. But I want to tell you how useful baked apples.

Many people like to eat and cook in different versionsbaked apples. Their use primarily consists of a mass of useful substances: vitamins B2, B3, A, B1, CC, H, B6, B9, E and PP. And most of all in apples there is a useful vitamin B6, still pyridoxine, which takes part in the active metabolism of amino acids. Apples are extremely necessary for those who take antibiotics for a long time, still pregnant during periods of toxicosis and women who take hormonal contraceptives. When the body shows a lack of vitamin B6, it affects the work of the brain and blood circulation. One of the main advantages of this vitamin is its resistance to too high temperatures. As part of the vitamin, such elements from the famous periodic table: iron, potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, iodine.

Baked apples, the benefits of which are undoubtedly based on their softness, make themselves accessible even for the elderly, because not all of them can boast of healthy and strong teeth.

Here's another useful baked apple - in ita sufficient amount of sodium, which is an important intercellular and intracellular element. It regulates blood pressure in the nerve and muscle tissues. In addition, it actively participates in water metabolism and activation of various digestive enzymes. Baked apples, the benefits of which are also due to the potassium content in them, have a positive effect on the functioning of the liver, blood, and the muscular system. Magnesium, which lies in the composition of apples, has a beneficial effect on nervous activity, actively participates in the metabolism of carbohydrates.

Baked apples, the use of which is prettyit is possible to discuss for a long time. They are wonderfully helpful even in cases of severe constipation, because they completely dilute the entire contents of the intestine. Perfectly removing the cholesterol from the body, they help to unite free radicals, which contain a lot of pectins. Baked apples are a good way to prevent cancer and a variety of tumors.

Dysbacteriosis can also be treated with baked apples. They also restore well, make digestion after complicated operations on the abdominal cavities.

Fruits of apples baked in hot solbonfire, the famous folk physicians prescribe painful pleurisy, and breastfed women with fattened baked apples were applied to the cracks on the nipples and lips in the form of an ointment for rapid healing.

Calcium and phosphorus (contained in apples) are alwaysare responsible for the precise operation of the entire skeletal mass of the human body. They strengthen teeth, bones and tendons. When stretching, fracturing or cracking, doctors are also advised to eat more apples. Therefore, often in childhood, mothers and grandmothers baked apples to young children, so that those bones fused correctly.

A useful fruit can also serve as an excellenta substitute for a conventional toothbrush. You just need to eat 1 baked apple on an empty stomach, so the enamel is instantly cleared from accumulated bacteria and plaque. The gums improve blood supply significantly. Another baked apple healthy relieves of unpleasant and uncomfortable odor from the mouth.

Eating just 5 apples a day, a personRemarkably and reliably protects himself from various respiratory diseases, including asthma. Flavonoids - antioxidants uniquely reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. The presence of certain phytonutrients in apples makes it possible to reduce the risk of occurrence of neurodegenerative diseases in the brain, including Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.

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