/ Effective sleeping pills for humans. How does a sleeping pill per person?

Effective sleeping pills for humans. How does a sleeping pill per person?

A person can not exist normally withoutsound healthy sleep. At night all the vital systems rest. It helps to recover and start the morning a new day with a surge of energy. But it often happens that you can not sleep for a long time. A midnight man turns in bed and eventually falls asleep just in the morning. Most often, people aged over 50 have such problems. Before choosing a sleeping pill, you need to find out the cause of insomnia.

Why can it arise?

The inability to fall asleep at night is notdisease, but only an unpleasant symptom, which indicates a malfunction in the body. Curing insomnia is impossible. You can only eliminate the cause of this condition. In middle-aged people, this problem arises from chronic lack of sleep, night shift work, changes in the place of residence or any other stressful situation. Immediately get a sleeping pills for a person there is no need. It is only necessary to solve the problems that have arisen, and the dream will recover itself. But if the problems appear due to a non-standardized schedule, you should change the work.

hypnotics for humans
Very often a sleeping pill is needed for a personthe elderly. People after 50 years have many health problems. Sleep can break down due to diseases of the organs of the cardiovascular system, neuroses, problems with metabolism. Determine the exact cause of insomnia can only be a qualified doctor. It will be necessary to pass a number of tests and undergo a test before the specialist will prescribe a good drug for restoring sleep.

Take sleeping pills with caution

Drugs for restoring sleep are justauxiliary drugs that allow the patient to rest at night. To eliminate any disease, such means are not used. It is worth remembering that a sleeping pill for a person has a huge number of side effects. Even if you have to use a drug of this kind, you do not need more than a week.

Medication for sleep blocks the humanconsciousness. The patient can fall asleep really really hard. There are cases when people are injured or choking after taking a sleeping pill. This is due to the fact that even external stimuli could not affect the sleeping person. In the dream, the patient could fall down or become entangled in the blanket.

sleeping pills for the elderly
Many sleeping pills are addictive. The organism very quickly adapts itself to new conditions and can not fall asleep without medication. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid the use of ancillary drugs, if there is such an opportunity. The most suitable sleeping pills for the elderly. After all, it is their sleep disorder that is more often associated with incurable health problems. And the young organism can recover independently.

What are sleeping pills?

Many people are interested in knowing how the sleeping pills workper person. The mechanism of almost all drugs in this category is the same. The medication affects the waves of the brain, slowing down its activity. A person leaves anxious thoughts, the body is completely relaxed - a dream comes. All drugs can be divided into means of fast and slow action. Medications from the first category allow you to relax quite quickly, but the dream can not last long. Sleeping pills for people of advanced age are not always suitable.

All drugs for sleep are also divided into strong,medium and light. The medication is chosen depending on the individual characteristics of the patient. A doctor can make the right appointment. Below are the drugs that are most often used in sleep disorders.


This is an easy sleeping pill for a person whohas a combined effect. The medication is available in the form of drops. The drug contributes not only to strengthening sleep, but also affects the work of the stomach and intestines. An excellent remedy for people who can not fall asleep due to flatulence and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the drops "Barbovan" help to overcome depression and neuroses. The medicine has practically no contraindications. Only in rare cases can hypersensitivity develop to the main components.

hypnotics for the elderly
Drops of "Barbovan" can be taken within twoweeks 2-3 drops per day. The drug should be washed down with plenty of water. Side effects of drops are associated with an overdose. Excessive drowsiness and fatigue may occur. Sleeping pills for the elderly should be taken only after consulting a doctor.


The drug in the form of tablets, which refers togroup of tranquilizers. The main active substance is bromodihydrochlorophenylbenzodiazepine. Additionally, the tablets include potato starch, lactose, talc and calcium stearate. Medication is prescribed for sleep disorders of various origins, nerves, vegetative dysfunctions, states of fear and nervous tension. Tablets "Fenazepam" are part of the complex therapy of various nervous disorders and depressive conditions.

fast acting hypnotic for people
Medication is not prescribed to minorspatients, as well as pregnant and lactating women. Contraindications are respiratory failure, shock, myasthenia gravis. Often there is an increased sensitivity to the main component of the drug. Patients with hepatic and renal insufficiency, diabetes, alcohol dependence Fenazepam tablets should be taken only under the supervision of a doctor.

Take the medication 3 times a day before meals. The average duration of treatment is 2 weeks. If symptoms do not go away, the doctor may increase the dosage.


A medicament that relates tothe third generation of hypnotics. The main active ingredient is zopiclone. If you need to choose a sleeping pill to put a person to sleep, the Sonnat medicine is ideal. The drug facilitates the process of falling asleep, and also makes sleep more prolonged. A person wakes up really rested. Sonnat is one of the few medications that can be taken for a short time. You can use the remedy in the event that sleep does not occur due to fatigue or stress.

sleeping pill to sleep a person
The Sonnat tablets are taken once a day beforesleep. The preparation should be washed down with plenty of water. The course of treatment is determined by the doctor depending on the patient's symptoms. The drug can be taken periodically to eliminate insomnia. In this case there is no need for systematic treatment.


A quality hypnotic drug thatIt is offered in the form of tablets. The main active ingredient is doxylamine succinate. Elements such as croscarmellose sodium, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium sarate are also used. If there is a question about what kind of sleeping pills it is possible to put a person to sleep without side effects, it is worth choosing the drug "Donormil". The drug is great for troubleshooting sleep problems. Do not use it only for children under 15 years old, as well as when there is an increased sensitivity to individual components.

"Donormil" is one of the few medicines,which can be used during pregnancy. It is known that most often need sleeping pills for the elderly, as well as for women in the period of bearing a child. Pregnancy entails huge hormonal changes, which, in turn, affect the quality of sleep. A number of studies have been carried out, during which it was possible to find out that the Donolol tablets do not affect the development of the fetus in any way. Nevertheless, the medicine should be used only according to the doctor's prescription.


A quick-acting sleeping pill thatis offered in pharmacies in the form of tablets. The main component is zopiclone. In addition, elements such as povidone, potato starch, titanium dioxide, lactose, magnesium stearate are used. "Relaxon" is an excellent sleeping pills for the old man. Use the remedy most often to eliminate situational insomnia. If sleep disturbances are associated with neuroses, a change in the weather or a stressful situation, the Relaxon tablets will help you to relax quickly.

how does a sleeping pill per person
The drug has many contraindications. Do not appoint it to under-age patients, pregnant and lactating women, people with respiratory failure and severe form of kidney failure. Caution should be used for people with bronchial asthma and cardiovascular problems. In some cases, there may be increased sensitivity to the main component of the drug. In addition, it is worth remembering that the tablets "Relaxon" can be addictive. Take them strictly according to the instructions and only after the appointment of a doctor.

How to sleep without drugs?

Sleep disorders are a serious problem. But often insomnia is caused only by the emotional state of a person. In this case, do not rush to take sleeping pills. You can sleep soundly without medication. Fresh air helps very well. It is always useful to walk 30 minutes before going to bed. If this is not possible, you just need to ventilate the room well.

what sleeping pills can you put a person to sleep
An excellent sleeping pills is a glass of warm milk with honey. Drink a delicious drink preferably an hour before bedtime. But coffee or strong tea before going to bed can not be drunk.

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