How jaundice is transmitted: what precautions should be taken not to infect and not become infected
Jaundice in medicine is called a variety of conditions, which are manifested by coloring the skin in yellow. Doctors distinguish three basic forms of jaundice:
1) Obturation (it is mechanical orsubhepatic): the skin turns yellow due to the fact that bile can not get on its direct purpose - from the liver to the duodenum. It is hampered by swelling, stone or adhesions that block some of the bile ducts. As a result, bilirubin bile is absorbed into the blood and causes skin coloring in a warm yellow color.
In the case of these two types of jaundice,as jaundice is transmitted, it makes no sense. If a patient has a blood disease, gallstones, or hereditary hyperemolysis of red blood cells - this is absolutely not contagious. Another thing is if jaundice is hepatitis.
3) Hepatic jaundice. This is hepatitis, that is, "inflammation of the liver tissue." This inflammation is not always caused by viruses: alcohol, some medicines, serious illnesses, the use of poisons, too, can quite cause it. And then it will not be contagious.
Know how jaundice is transmitted, it is necessary only for viral hepatitis, which is quite a lot for today, and the way of transmission of infection is different.
How can you get infected or get infected with hepatitis?
2. Hepatitis E. Is this jaundice as transmitted? Like hepatitis A, by getting into the food pathway of the virus with unwashed hands, water, from common utensils. This hepatitis is especially dangerous for pregnant women.
a) Through kisses (with saliva).
b) During sexual intercourse (not necessarilyentry into the vagina or completeness of the sexual act: it is enough that the vaginal secretion or fluid of the glands of the penis gets on the skin or mucosa of the second partner, on which there are microcracks.
c) When using shared syringes.
d) When using manicure, pedicure, piercing accessories, in the home - common razors, combs, manicure accessories.
e) The child may be transmitted to the child during pregnancy or childbirth.
f) For non-sterile medical instruments.
g) In providing assistance to a person without gloves, when it is necessary to contact his saliva or blood.
h) With blood transfusion.
Be healthy!