/ / Asterisk ointment - quick help

Asterisk ointment - quick help

Today Zvezdochka ointment or balmis a drug, available in different versions. It is used not only for medicinal purposes, but also for prevention. The balsam has a vegetable origin, it contains menthol, eucalyptus oil, formic acid, clove oil, camphor, cinnamon oil and a number of other ingredients. It has an antiseptic, irritating and distracting effect on the human body.

Zvezdochka Ointment was recognized as officialmedicine as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent, it does not have a negative impact on human skin. The range of application is wide enough, ranging from seasickness to serious disease. Great practice has been worked out by healers from Vietnam who, with the methods of Oriental medicine, successfully fight against various diseases. In our country, balsam is recommended for colds (rhinitis, cough, inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx, headache, etc.).

Asterisk ointment in the treatment of musculoskeletalapparatus has the greatest effect at the initial stage of the disease. Aromatherapy with such a balm allows you to remove the patient's sense of anxiety and fatigue, tones the muscles and energizes. Thanks to the rapid penetration of the balm into the skin, the blood circulation is stimulated in the places of rubbing and toxins are removed, and this helps to improve the circulatory system including. vessels.

Applying the ointment as an anti-inflammatory orantiseptic during treatment of skin disease, it must be remembered that it can not be applied to open wounds. Otherwise, painful sensations are possible. Balsam has almost no contraindications, except for one - increased individual sensitivity, i.e. intolerance of the individual components of the agent. It is not recommended the use of ointment for children under the age of five, also unwanted An asterisk during pregnancy.

The ointment used in this case canpromote the appearance of allergic reactions to the components of the drug, as well as lead to skin burns. With angina, influenza, inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract, inhalation with an asterisk is a good way to fight colds. To do this, take boiling water (1 liter) in it is added to the tip of a teaspoon ointment, well stirred and, covered with a sheet, for 20 minutes you need to breathe.

Essential oil vapors affect the blood vesselsvessels, relieve inflammation, destroy the pathogens of infection. There is still a good and fast method for treating such diseases, it refers to folk methods. It is necessary massaging movements to rub balm throat, it is good to wrap it with a scarf or other warmed material. Before going to bed, drink a large dose of herbal tea with honey. The next day there should be a significant improvement in well-being.

The effect of the use of such a tool asAn asterisk ointment is enhanced if the complex uses acupuncture massage, especially when treating diseases that cause headache, weakness, runny nose, cough, etc. Because of the healing effects of ointments and massage in the blood vessels, blood begins to circulate violently, and the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the cells of the body increases. Such effects give considerable relief to the patient.

In the East (Vietnam, China, etc.) during the treatment, the effect on specific points of the body is performed with the help of acupuncture. This method of oriental medicine is not available to everyone, so we have another method of massage of biologically active points with balm. The procedure itself is quite understandable, the resulting effect is comparable with acupuncture. An important point here is the knowledge of the location of the desired points on the patient's body for rubbing the ointment and massage.

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