How at home to get rid of a cough: several folk remedies
About what a cough with bouts, for sureknow everything. As a rule, this problem does not come to a person simply because the presented deviation is always a symptom of any disease requiring urgent treatment. In addition, coughing is a rather unpleasant phenomenon, which not only does not allow people to communicate normally, eat and sleep, but can also contribute to the infection of others.
How to get rid of a cough at home
Today, pharmaceutical companies offera huge number of all kinds of drugs that quickly and effectively eliminate this problem. However, not every person gets rid of cough with the help of medicines. In fact, along with tablets, syrups and other pharmaceutical products, popular methods are also popular. Which of them are most effective in combating a strong cough, we will consider just below.
Before you get rid ofcough, first of all you should think about what exactly can overcome this ailment. As you know, garlic and onions have always been famous for their anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. So, maybe they will save the patient from coughing attacks?
1. To make a folk remedy with these ingredients is easy enough. To do this, finely chop the onion, add to it honey (2 large spoons) and granulated sugar (200 grams), and then pour all the products with 1 liter of water and cook over low heat for three hours. The resulting mixture is required to strain, cool and take 5-7 times a day for one large spoon in a warm form.
2. How at home to get rid of a cough, using ordinary garlic? The answer to this question can serve as the following recipe: 10 heads of onions and 1 head of garlic must be finely chopped and boiled in low-fat milk. When the ingredients are soft, add honey (1 large spoon) and mix well. The received drink it is desirable to take every hour on the big spoon.
Now you know that it is quite possible to get rid of coughs with folk remedies. However, in order to avoid serious complications before such treatment, you should still visit a doctor.
It should also be noted that in the preparation of traditional cough medicines, ingredients such as lemon, various herbs, cabbage juice, and berries are also used.