How to quickly reduce pressure at home: four proven methods
How quickly to reduce pressure at home? This issue worries not only adults, but also young people. After all, hypertension increasingly occurs in people younger than 30 years, which, it would seem, should not concern this pathology in any way.
It is worth noting that today there are quite a lot of folk ways how to quickly reduce high blood pressure. And which of them are the most effective, we will consider below.
According to experts, most of the causes of this phenomenon are in the zone of influence of the person himself. That's why it's quite possible to eliminate them by our own forces.
How to quickly reduce pressure at home: 4 proven methods
1. To immediately remove signs of hypertension, you need to moisten a few paper napkins in the table-top apple cider vinegar, then they must be applied to the feet and held for 14 minutes.
2. How quickly to reduce pressure in house conditions, using for this purpose independently made spirit tincture? The answer to this question can serve as the following recipe: it is necessary to make a mixture of valerian, hawthorn and motherwort, pour them with 40-degree vodka and insist in the heat for 2-3 days. It is desirable to always carry this natural medicine with you. When the first symptoms of high blood pressure appear, you should take 1 dessert spoon of tincture, previously diluted it in a small amount of ordinary drinking water.
3. Before you quickly reduce blood pressure at home, you should definitely use a tonometer. And if the medical device confirms the presence of hypertension, then to eliminate its symptoms you can drink "Corvalol". For this, it is required to pour exactly 45 drops of the substance into a glass, fill it with warm boiled water (per 1/4 part), and then drink in a salvo and lie down for half an hour. Through this time the patient's condition will improve much.
4. For a quick lowering of blood pressure, experts recommend doing the simplest breathing exercises. To do this, it is convenient to sit down, completely relax, take a deep breath and slowly exhale (for 5-9 seconds). This should be done for 3-4 minutes. Such gymnastics will allow lowering the values of the lower and upper limits of blood pressure by 20-30 units.
How to reduce pressure quickly with medications
In addition to folk remedies, from signs of hypertensioncan be quickly eliminated by the use of pharmaceutical products. For this, the following drugs are actively used: Arifon-retard, Capoten, Captopril, Enap, Amlovas, Valz, Aktavis, Biprol, Atakand Plus, Atakand and other. However, it should be noted that before using these drugs, which help to quickly and effectively lower blood pressure, you should always consult a doctor. After all, many of these drugs have contraindications, and also cause a number of side effects. In addition, you can not very quickly lower the increased pressure, as this can contribute to the occurrence of nausea, dizziness, vomiting and other unpleasant sensations. Therefore, the necessary dose of drugs for hypertension should be prescribed only by an experienced doctor.