/ / Reviews: "Galidor". Instructions for use, contraindications to the drug "Galidor"

Reviews: "Galidor". Instructions for use, contraindications to the drug "Galidor"

Very often people are interested in what kind of feedback"Galidor" gets about its action and effectiveness. And all this is no accident. After all, before you start taking this or that medicine, as a rule, it is not enough to listen to the advice of doctors. You need to know what people think about the effectiveness of the application, who have already been treated with this or that drug. To understand all this will help numerous reviews left by users on the World Wide Web. And what is the opinion of the preparation "Galidor" in this respect? What is this? Recently, doctors increasingly appoint him to their patients.

reviews галидор


To be honest, it is rather difficult to understand what our current drug is. In general, these are the most usual tablets covered with a white smooth shell. But what are they for?

The whole point is that the use of "Galidor" by doctorsis appointed in many cases. So, this medicine is a broad spectrum of action. Most often, it is prescribed for diseases of blood vessels, kidneys and liver. So let's now try to figure out whether it's worth to trust this tool at all. Maybe you can do something better known?


In general, any medicine can always be foundreplacement. Nevertheless, so far this is not about this. "Halidor" testimony to the application is not very extensive, as it may seem at first glance. Perhaps, there are more restrictions.

First, this tool is recommended for people with cardiovascular diseases. Of course, you do not need to assign it yourself. Only after consultation with the attending physician.

halide price

Secondly, the drug "Galidor" is recommended whencardiovascular diseases of the eyes, as well as after the trauma and post-traumatic state. In principle, as in the above-described case, a drug is prescribed only at the insistence of doctors.

Thirdly, if you have violationswork of the liver and kidneys, and also have ulcerous diseases, then you too can prescribe this medicine. Perhaps, that's all. As you might guess, "Galidor" analogs may well have. But about them later.

We use

The use of our today's medication is extremely simple. But only to get the maximum result is to follow all the recommendations written in the instructions.

1-2 tablets are taken orally once a day for 3-4 weeks. After that, the dose is reduced to 1 capsule. You can inject in a vein, but no more than 2 times a day.

halide analogues

In principle, that's all. Observe also the daily dosage of the drug. In tablets, it is about 400 milligrams, and in the diluted state - 200. Not too much, as it might seem at first glance. Many buyers say that it is better to see a doctor at the reception. He will help you in this process, and will also be able to prevent an overdose.


In principle, the reviews "Galidor" receives such,which please. But only many patients note that this drug has a huge number of contraindications. In addition, they emphasize that sometimes doctors prescribe a remedy even if they are available. In this case, it's better not to take chances.

So, what contraindications can there be? Of course, this is a child and adolescence. In addition, abstain from the "Galidor" will have pregnant and lactating women. According to the manufacturer, there are no visible contraindications for this period, but nevertheless a sufficient number of tests have not been conducted. Thus, it is better to refrain from excessive intake of the drug.

use of halidor by doctors

Among other things, buyers say thatYou can not use "Galidor" with a tendency to allergies, as well as individual intolerance of the drug. Renal and respiratory failure are two more reasons to abandon the drug. Myocardial infarction is the last restriction that can be noted. If you do not suffer from the above, you can safely apply the drug to the doctor's prescription.

Opinion of doctors

Reviews "Galidor" from doctors earns onlygood. To be honest, in this regard, you can calculate this drug some miracle. All doctors in one voice insist that the remedy perfectly helps to recover after operations, as well as accidents. If you need to improve blood circulation, then you can also hope for a maximum and fast effect.

However, without special recommendations and observations,worth buying a tool. If you do not follow the dosage, the patient may start allergic rashes, swelling, diarrhea, as well as nausea and vomiting. Thus, doctors assure that for self-treatment "Galidor" is not the best drug. So, before its application, as it has been repeatedly said, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

A spoon of tar

In truth, not everything is so beautiful in ourmedical device. In some cases, despite the effectiveness of the application, the feedback "Galidor" gets negative. Rather, they make you think again, and whether you need to use this medication at all, frighten off and force to refuse buyers of this kind of treatment.

halide readings

What do they complain about most often? The negative effects of the application, which are not in the description of the tool. For example, mention of apathy, fever, the appearance of anxiety (and unreasonable), panic attacks, sleep disturbance, loss of appetite. Also, some may begin to shake and "disobey" their hands. Not the most pleasant phenomenon, is not it?

Only, as practice shows, this kind ofthe consequences do not happen very often. And there is no need to be frightened of such negative opinions. At the first manifestations of the negative effect of "Galidor" on the body immediately stop taking it. And report the incident to your doctor. It will help to choose an analog for you.


"Halidor" - ampoules, which interested many. But how, in fact, is it with the reviews and opinions about the drug? We have already found out that physicians think this remedy is very effective. Only occasionally patients express their dissatisfaction with him.

preparation halidor

But in fact, as practice shows, inOverall reviews "Galidor" gets those that please. Many people claim that the first result will be visible after several medications. After a week or two, it becomes clear at all how good the drug is. The main thing is to hope and wait patiently.

It is clear that the instantaneous effect is not worth itexpect. In addition, the "Galidor", the price of which varies in different regions, pleases everyone with its value. By the way, it is not particularly large. For 30 ampoules will have to give about 400 rubles. Sometimes the figure can reach several thousand rubles. But if you take into account how much the medicine is good, you can close your eyes to the price tag. In general, the cost is good. As you can see, "Galidore" is really worthy of attention.


To be honest, in terms of substitutes for ourtoday's means of things are not very. After all, if you want to find something cheaper, you can hope for a practically zero result. Why? "Halidor" analogs have in small quantities. If you ask, you can see this.

Less expensive substitute is not thatother than "Benzyclan." However, as practice shows, this option is not suitable for everyone. And he does not do very well with his tasks. So if quality is important to you, not cost, then it is better not to replace "Galidor".

ampoule halide

In principle, this is the main analogue of the tool. You can ask the doctors what they will advise. As a rule, different drugs are suitable, which in their composition have benzyclan. And with all this there is no guarantee that the result will please you in the long run.

What conclusions can we draw from all this? "Galidor" is a medical device, really worthy of attention. However, for self-treatment it does not fit. And most often it is used exclusively in hospitals or in a home hospital. In the usual treatment it is better to refrain from taking. This tool has its pros and cons. And only after you evaluate them, it is possible together with the doctor to decide on the transition to "Galidor", the price of which is within reasonable limits. If there is a negative reaction from the body, stop taking it immediately.

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