Hops cones, application in medicine and other branches
Cultivated hops curly began at the timeearly medieval times. He was examined from a variety of economic aspects. It turned out that this unique plant gives oil obtained from the inflorescences, and the fiber obtained from the stems of this plant is not inferior to the hemp fiber even in the fortress.
Hop ordinary - the longest among friendsus herbs. Its stem can reach a length of 10 m. The full name of the plant is hops. The flowering of this plant quickly reveals heterozygous individuals. Thus, flowers of male plants are small, and collected in small panicles. Hops cones hanging from the long stem with clusters are female inflorescences. They consist of flowers on the cranked rod. Ripe, red cones of hops, the use of which is unacceptable in the production of medicines and food. Fertilized female flowers during maturation give seeds resembling small brown nuts.
As raw materials, hop cones are used,the application of which was found in many areas of our lives. The chemical composition is very rich. Hop cones contain essential oil (up to 3%) containing farnesene, myrcene, caryophyllene, 2-methylpropyl isobutyrate, 2-methylbutylisobutyrate and many other compounds. The bulk of the substances are tarry and bitter. Bitterness is represented by groups of bitter acids (A and B), which are derivatives of acylfloroglucides. The main representative of A-bitter acids is humulon, and B-bitter acids are the substance of lupulon. Bitter acids do not withstand storage for too long and decompose relatively quickly.
Hops cones, application: thanks to its unique pharmacological properties, due to the presence of special biologically active substances, hops have a light hypnotic and calming nerves effect. All the bitter chemical compounds of hop contribute to better digestion. The substances contained in the cones have remarkable bactericidal properties.
Dry hop cones are used in variousmedicines. They are the basis of many sedatives, tinctures and extracts. Hop oil is included in the drug "Valocordin", and the extract is a constituent part of "Urolesana".
Hops cones, the application of which was found intreatment of various gastrointestinal diseases as a means of improving digestion, and as an effective analgesic is actively used in non-traditional medicine. They are also used for the production of high-quality cosmetics.
Hops are used for gastritis and scurvy. It has antihelminthic properties. Often decoctions of hops are used, as a soothing agent in the form of baths. It perfectly helps to strengthen hair (for rinsing). Hops are prescribed for radiculitis, neuralgia, furunculosis, metabolic disorders. Outwardly this agent is used for lichen. Hop extract is included in the composition of the ointment from furuncles and skin ulcers.
Tinctures of hop cones are taken internally for the treatment of diseases of the bladder, kidneys and renal pelvis. It is used in the form of baths for insomnia, dysuria, atherosclerosis and hypertension.
Treatment with drugs obtained from hops should be done under the supervision of your doctor.
Hops have long been used as a spice,which was put in kvass for perfume. Even now it is often used in bakery instead of yeast. Bread, baked on hopy raw materials, is remarkable for its wonderful taste and smell.
Ripe shots of hops, the application of which was found andin the production of such a popular product as beer, they begin to collect when they begin to exude a delicate aroma, and the flakes are noticeably lighter.