Types of medical care and emergency medical care
Without exaggeration, each person needs to know the types of medical care and ways of providing it - those that everyone can do. After all, anyone can get into an emergency situation.
There are such types of medical care:
- primary (unqualified);
- primary pre-medical (qualified);
- The first medical;
- qualified medical staff;
- specialized, including high-tech.
Primary care provides the following activities:
- Provision of initial medical aid: stopping bleeding, cardiac massage, dressing of any injury to the extremities or abdominal cavity, etc .;
- immediate elimination of damaging factors - for example, exposure to low or high temperature, electric current.
- transportation of the injured person to the hospital.
Primary unqualified care is usuallyturns out to be people who do not have a special education, but who know its methods, or specially trained by them - employees of the units of the Ministry of Emergency Measures, sandwiches, etc. Similar help, primary pre-medical, is provided by paramedics and midwives before the patient enters the medical institution.
The first medical help is provided by doctors,which have the necessary means to do so. Its volume depends on where the patient is located - at home, in the ambulance car or in a clinic or hospital. Qualified medical care is provided in medical institutions and involves complex manipulations, including surgical interventions. Finally, complex specialized medical care is provided in specialized clinics and institutes.
As for primary medical care in emergency situations, it is desirable to know the ways and rules of its provision for everyone. The most common ones are:
1. Breathing "mouth to mouth". Artificial respiration - this method patient withdrawal of such conditions in which self respiratory activity is difficult, resulting in blood not saturated with oxygen. Before the start of the manipulation associated with artificial respiration, must necessarily be cleaned with special care the nose and mouth of the victim.
2. First aid for cardiac arrest.
Symptoms of cardiac arrest are as follows:
- unconsciousness;
- the pulse is not felt;
- I can not hear the heart sounds;
- lack of respiratory activity;
- pale or cyanotic skin;
- large pupils;
- convulsions.
In the case of a victim, suchsigns it is necessary to start the massage of the heart as soon as possible. It is carried out in conjunction with artificial ventilation of the lungs - this is necessary to ensure that the blood is filled with oxygen. The effectiveness of the massage is indicated by a change in the patient's condition for the better.
3. Emergency medical aid in case of wounds.
The main cause of death in wounds ishuge hemorrhage. Wounds are superficial or deep. Types of care for different types will differ. The first action when wounding is stopping bleeding by applying a pressure bandage or tourniquet. The wound itself needs to be protected from dirt and harmful microbes by applying a sterile bandage. Do not wash the deep wound with water!
At wounds on a head and a neck bandagedressing - "eight" or in another possible way. To bandage the wounds of the chest and abdomen, wide bandages are used. When the limbs are injured, the dressing starts from the bottom upwards - this is a prerequisite for applying a good bandage.
Types of medical care for external and internal bleeding:
1. Nasal bleeding stops by applying ice, snow or a bandage soaked in cold water. Stop bleeding can and through a strong compression of the nose.
2. Pulmonary bleeding stops by applying cold to the chest.
3. In case of bleeding in the abdominal cavity, the patient is placed on a flat surface, while ice is placed on the abdomen.
Initial help with sprains and bruises is identical, and it turns out by applying a fixative bandage to the damaged area. With these injuries, rest of the injured limb is necessary.
First aid for fractures includes ensuring the immobility of the broken limb, removing a person from the state of shock, organizing the rapid transportation of the victim to the hospital.
Free medical services are included in thethe rendering of emergency medical care in emergency situations: in the latter case, an X-ray will be made in the hospital and a plaster cast on the injured limb to immobilize it. Before transporting a person suspected of fracturing, you also need to apply a tire or some other way to ensure complete immobility of the limb on the road.