/ / Curative gymnastics with osteochondrosis of the cervical department

Medical gymnastics with osteochondrosis of cervical department

Recently, such a disease asosteochondrosis, has become widespread. And if earlier doctors diagnosed this ailment in most cases in the older generation, now statistics show that it affects even adolescents. As the reasons for this can be called a lot, and the way to get rid of the only one - timely treatment with a specialist. As a rule, at the same time prescribed medication and therapeutic gymnastics. When osteochondrosis of the cervical region, in order to achieve the desired results, it is important to perform the exercises daily.

The main causes and symptoms of the disease

gymnastics with osteochondrosis of cervical department

According to doctors, osteochondrosis is the mainbecause of a sedentary lifestyle. Such a disease is usually affected by people whose occupation is reduced to sitting at a computer monitor, a sewing machine or some other monotonous work. This is also facilitated by lying in the wrong posture, for example, by supporting the head with your hand.

In addition, factors such as various injuries,lifting and dragging heavy objects, metabolic disorders and hereditary predisposition can cause cervical osteochondrosis. Therapeutic exercises can be not only a means of escape, but also a good prevention.

Symptoms of this ailment can be presented in the following list:

  • dizziness and sudden darkness in the eyes;
  • pain in the neck, in the chest and shoulders;
  • numbness of upper extremities or tongue;
  • pain in the head;
  • hearing impairment and "noise accompaniment" in the ears;
  • general tiredness and constant malaise.

Gymnastics for cervical osteochondrosisis an important factor of treatment, regardless of the degree of the disease. In this case, it should be borne in mind that the specialist in determining the form of the disease assigns the exercises individually for each individual case. However, we can identify the main complex of gymnastics, which will reduce pain and strengthen the muscles of the neck and other areas of the body.

Exercises for osteochondrosis

cervical osteochondrosis medical gymnastics

General gymnastics for cervical osteochondrosis may include the following exercises (they should be performed in the "sitting" position):

  1. Turn the head to the right and left in turn. Thus it is necessary to try to "cover" with a view as much as possible the space behind, so you can achieve elasticity of the back muscles of the neck.
  2. Tilt the head to the chest. It is necessary to try to get a jaw "jugular" notch. This exercise trains the major muscles of the neck.
  3. Moving the head in a horizontal plane. That is, you need to pull back the neck and chin.
  4. Head inclinations in different directions. At the same time it is necessary to counteract the movement by hand. For example, if you tilt to the left, the hand should be on the temple and slightly interfere with the head. It also needs to be done "forward" and "backward". The hand must prevent movement, respectively, by touching the forehead and the occiput.
  5. Shoulder lift. When you breathe in, you need to move upwards, and when exhaling, you must go down.

Additional Information

gymnastics for the neck with osteochondrosis

Gymnastics for cervical osteochondrosismust be performed carefully, the pain barrier should not be exceeded. It is recommended to start each exercise with 5 repetitions, then the amount should be gradually increased.

For this disease should be avoideddrafts, hypothermia and so on, since this can lead to increased tension in the neck and shoulder apparatus. Also, with severe headaches, it is recommended to massage the whiskey to relax the muscles.

Gymnastics for the neck with osteochondrosis is an important tool in the treatment of this disease. Therefore, one should take seriously to the lessons and not forget about the prescription of the doctor.

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