Whether it is possible for pregnant women to sunbathe in the open air and in a sun deck
Pregnancy is beautiful, albeit prettyhard, it's time in a woman's life. But all the unpleasant moments are smoothed out by the joy of expectation of the baby and the coming miracle. Usually the future mother tries to do everything that the child was born as healthy as possible: he regularly visits the doctor and follows his recommendations, eats and sleeps correctly, and does not forget about physical exertion.
If pregnancy occurs in the summer, many ladiesare interested in whether it is possible for pregnant women to tan, how to do it correctly, whether the sun will harm the baby. To answer this question, you should consider the properties of the tan.
Pregnancy is certainly not a disease, so doctors recommend that women live as before, and give up only addictions. But is it possible to sunbathe during pregnancy?
Sunburn is certainly useful, because under the influence of life-giving rays, vitamin D3 is produced, which is necessary for the assimilation of calcium.
Unfortunately, only the courses of vitamins are not enough for this, and therefore it is necessary to visit the sun without thinking whether it is possible to sunbathe pregnant women.
This is how you can hope that the baby will have healthy bones and teeth.
In addition, the sun's rays activate all the processes in the mother's body, which is useful for women and for the fetus.
However, an aggressive sun can also bring a lot of inconvenience.
Quite often, along with a pleasant shade on the skinunpleasant pigment spots may appear, and overheating of the mother can be extremely detrimental to the child, causing, in particular, problems in the work of the nervous system.
If the future mother does not have stronghealth and suffers from any ailments, metabolic disorders, excessive exposure to the sun can worsen both her health and the child, cause dehydration and new diseases.
Therefore, the answer to the question "whether it is possible for pregnant to sunbathe" in this case will be negative.
The rules here are very simple and known to everyone from childhood. Whether it is possible for pregnant women to sunbathe? Of course, yes, but so as not to hurt yourself. You can not sunbathe during the day when the sun is most aggressive.
Go out, bathe and even just wander aroundthe water is recommended only in the morning and in the evening. It is until noon and after six in the evening that the sun's rays are soft and will not cause any inconvenience to future mothers. In addition, going to the beach to just lie on the sand or do yoga, it's worth taking water with you and remembering to drink more, so that the organism, so fragile and vulnerable during the gestation, does not lose the life-giving moisture.
Clothing should be chosen light, spacious andbright, not forgetting to put on a wide-brimmed hat. Well, the final touch in the preparations for a trip to the beach will be the choice of a tanning cream suitable for pregnant women, taking into account the quality of the remedy and the type of skin of the future mother.
Women ask about whether it is possible for pregnant womensunbathing in a solarium, and not in the air, if the expectation of the baby was in the fall and winter. And here the answer is negative: harm can be much more useful. It is better to stay at all without tanning, but do not hurt the baby. And therefore the main rule is a reasonable approach in everything.