/ / Emotional lability: characteristics and causes

Emotional lability: characteristics and causes

Emotional lability is a pathology of the nervoussystem, which is characterized by an unstable mood and its change. The main feature of the pathology is that it occurs under the influence of events that do not imply a vivid reaction. Undoubtedly, the problem of the norm in psychiatry is still preserved, therefore, before you can diagnose "emotional lability," you need to take into account the structure of the person's temperament and his age. Thus, a similar feature of the nervous system in adolescents does not in all cases refer to pathology: hormonal outbursts and the problem of socialization, as well as the general development of personality can proceed with nervous and emotional instability. Here it is necessary to take into account the radical nature of manifestations in relation to the norm, but the norm, again, does not have clear boundaries.

General characteristics and symptoms

Lability of the nervous system is attributed to one of theits properties in differential psychology. This means the speed of the onset and cessation of nervous processes, and in general the lability is called functional mobility.

Emotional lability can reach a high degree in its manifestation, down to affective explosiveness.

It can be layered features of other types:

  • Isteroid.
  • Unstable.
  • Sensitive.

Labile-affective psychopathy can be combined with manifestations of the above types.

It has the following features and states:

  1. The emergence of affective outbreaks on an insignificant occasion: they quickly arise and quickly pass;
  2. Change of an angry state with tears;
  3. Absence of gross aggression;
  4. Accompanied by the affect are: crying, swearing, throwing things, moaning.
  5. Frequent mood swings lead to restlessness and lack of assortment, as well as a rapid change of interests (so there are often conflicts and problems in the family, at work, in school).
  6. Lack of an adequate assessment of their behavior.

Emotional lability in asthenic syndrome

Such a state of emotional background is characteristicfor many diseases. For example, almost always it is accompanied by neuroticism. However, more attention should be paid to the emotional lability that arises under the influence of asthenic syndrome. here its manifestations arise more often than others.

Emotional-labile asthenic disorder occurs as a result of discirculatory encephalopathies, and after a time (1-2 years) after traumatic brain injuries.

Asthenic manifestations are observed in individuals,who attempted suicide, which probably happened against the background of emotional lability. Asthenic syndrome and emotional instability are two symptoms that together give a depressive state, accompanied by sudden crying or laughing.

They can arise after the person has been subjected to narcosis, encephalitis, and brain tumors.

Emotional lability develops in a number of other diseases, which are associated with impaired functioning of the cerebral vessels:

  1. Atherosclerosis.
  2. Hypertension or hypotension.
  3. Thromboangiitis.

Vegeto-vascular dystonia in acute manifestationscan lead to emotional lability. In this case, sudden states of affection and sentimentality are observed, as well as increased tearfulness due to emotional states.

How to treat

Of course, treatment depends mainly oncauses. For example, in emotional lability, accompanied by asthenic conditions, general strengthening therapy, an increase in the time and quality of rest, as well as sedatives are shown.

Without setting and curing the cause of the disease, it is impossible to stabilize the excited emotionality, so the main therapy is directed specifically at the "primary source".

To ease the state of emotional lability, you should take soothing teas and antidepressants (for example, tea from the root of valerian).

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