/ / Gonorrhea: symptoms of the disease

Gonorrhea: symptoms of the disease

Gonorrhea is called venereal infectiona disease that is caused by Gram-negative bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae. As a result of the defeat, there is a purulent inflammation of the mucous membranes of the urogenital system.

As a result of gonorrhea, you may experience:

- if the disease occurs in the acute stage: hyperemia, edema of the folds of the mucous membranes of the tubes;

- if the disease has passed into a chronic form: adhesive and cicatricial processes, a violation of the motor function of the pipes.

Gonorrhea leads to the fact that the ovaries are affected andthe permeability of pipes deteriorates. Quite often this disease is accompanied by inflammatory processes and abscesses. In addition, chronic form of the disease is constantly observed pain in the lower abdomen, bloating, constipation, decreased sexual desire, violation of the menstrual cycle and the work of the reproductive system. If a two-handed gynecological examination is performed, it is possible to grope dense, boundedly mobile appendages. But there is no change in the analysis of blood can not be observed.

If the correct and active treatment is started in time, it will minimize the possibility of relapse, as well as the transition of the disease to a chronic form.

When a person assumes that he has gonorrhea,the symptoms of which are similar to those described above, he must necessarily consult a doctor. In no case do not resort to some kind of folk methods of treatment, this can only lead to a worsening of your condition.

Depending on the stage at whichdisease, in what state is the patient, doctors recommend this or that treatment. It includes antibiotics, local treatment, diet and physiotherapy.

Gonorrhea: symptoms in women

When this disease affects women,the symptoms in them can be quite ambiguous and extremely deceptive. That is, in frequent cases, gonorrhea is confused with a simple thrush or cystitis. After all, it also appears yellowish discharge from the vagina and small painful sensations when urinating.

Everything happens much worse: when a woman has gonorrhea, the symptoms of which are completely absent. This situation is very dangerous. After all, the disease develops, complications arise, and only because of them a woman learns that she suffers from gonorrhea. Naturally, with such a development the situation will have to treat the disease much longer in time. In addition, it will be much more difficult. Also, often accompanying diseases.

If gonorrhea is found in the sexual partnerwomen, she needs to immediately exclude the possibility of unprotected contacts with him. And, of course, you can not do without putting all the necessary tests to find the causative agent of the disease.

Always watch your menstrual cycle andaddress to the gynecologist as often as it is necessary to women. Bleeding that occurs between menstruation is one of the main symptoms of gonorrhea.

Gonorrhea: symptoms in men

What is remarkable, men, unlikerepresentatives of the fair sex, rarely hope for self-treatment and the fact that the disease can pass by itself. Therefore, they are much more determined when referring to a specialist.

It should be noted that the signs of gonorrhea in men are quite similar to those noted in women. That is, there is pain when you visit the toilet and a yellow discharge from the urethra.

Remember that the treatment of gonorrhea in mennecessarily, because it leads to no less serious complications than the fair sex. Quite often you can meet a patient suffering from inflammation of the epididymis. In addition, the causative agent of the disease - gonococcus, can affect the urethra, pharynx, eyes and rectum. Also, the infection sometimes affects the liver, heart, brain, skin and joints.

Remember that if you develop symptoms of gonorrhea, you should not delay contacting your doctor. Otherwise, all this can lead to very, very serious consequences.

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