/ / Gonorrhea in women: symptoms that can be troubling

Gonorrhea in women: symptoms that can be troubling

Often, women are very imprudent in choosingpartner, as a result of which they risk undermining their women's health. After all, almost everyone knows that gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease. It is believed that there is a risk of infection and the way of life, but it is very small. Perhaps gonorrhea in women, the symptoms of which are not too bright and specific, and refers to the cases of the household transmission route, but according to statistics, only 10% of patients do get infected in this way.

Gonorrhea in women: symptoms that make you think that something is wrong

How is gonorrhea manifested in women - a question,which interests most women. It should be noted that gonococci (the causative agent of the disease) affects mainly the cervix and further the process extends to all organs of the small pelvis. The first signs of gonorrhea in women can be a violation of urination and specific discharge from the genitals.

This can be manifested by more frequent urination, cuts and pains, as well as white flocculent discharge during urination. Then the process progresses and can move to the kidneys.

As for the reproductive sphere, gonorrheain women, the symptoms of which directly affect the reproductive system - a serious enough disease. After all, after the microorganism multiplied on the cervix, some of it penetrates into the uterine cavity, fallopian tubes and ovaries. In all these organs, specific gonococcal inflammation (endometritis, salpingoophoritis, etc.) begins to develop. The clinical picture in this situation is no different from the other inflammatory process, however, diagnosis and treatment require a different approach.

Primarily, patients will be concerned about painin the lower abdomen (similar to intestinal colic). Abundant vaginal discharge and itching are some of the most unpleasant symptoms. In some situations, the external genitalia acquire a red-cyanotic color, increased hyperemia and itching. Patients are restless and irritable.

Gonorrhea in women whose symptoms appearimmediately after the allegedly unsafe sexual intercourse, gives in to treatment quite well. With timely access to the doctor and exclusion of contact with the source, complete recovery is possible. However, not an exception are cases where a woman continues to have sex with an infected partner and does not receive treatment. It is possible that such a form of gonorrhea will pass into a chronic process and the consequences for the woman's reproductive health will be indelible.

Chronic gonorrhea in women todayrather a regularity than a rarity. It can lead to an adhesive process in a small pelvis - to infertility. Similarly, a chronic foci of infection significantly undermines the body's immune system, and consequently increases the likelihood of other diseases. And, of course, chronic gonorrhea is the source of infection, i.e. if a woman does not stop sexually, then she is the distributor of this infection.

Women with chronic gonorrhea who plan a pregnancy or become ill during pregnancy can infect their child during labor or during the postpartum period.

Diagnosis of gonorrhea infection is carried out inspecialized dermatovenerologic dispensaries at the place of residence or on a paid basis in anonymous centers. In this case, it is best to perform diagnostics in the early stages of the disease, rather than wait for the process to be chronic. In this case, a woman should know exactly how many sexual partners she had in the last month, when she had the last sexual intercourse, when the first signs of the disease appeared and whether the partner had symptoms.

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