/ / The first symptoms of poisoning in children

The first symptoms of poisoning in children

For all parents, the health of their children is the most important. No Mom

symptoms of poisoning in children
or the popes who did not dream of having themthe child has never experienced pain, and all existing diseases have passed him. Unfortunately, this is not possible, therefore, all that remains for parents in the event of a disease in babies is to ease their condition and do everything for a speedy recovery.

It is very important that the mother does not miss the moment when the child starts to get sick, and was able to recognize the symptoms of poisoning in children on time, so that timely help will be provided.

Causes of poisoning

To date, poisoning is the mosta frequent disease, and its offensive is quite possible in children of all ages, since their body is more susceptible to various kinds of bacteria. If you do not wash your hands or fruit before eating, then it is possible that soon there will be intestinal poisoning in the child,

intestinal poisoning in child symptoms
the symptoms of which will manifest in the form of abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea.

Very often poisoning occurs as a result ofuse of expired or inferior products that can get into school and preschool. After all, it is not a secret for anyone that intestinal bacteria that cause diseases such as salmonella, dysentery, yersiniosis, escherichiosis, and campylobacteriosis may be present in food of inadequate quality.

The main symptoms of poisoning

Everybody knows that when poisoning is the main thingis timely assistance, so it is important not to skip the symptoms of food poisoning in children and immediately seek medical help as soon as the slightest suspicion arose. Anxiety should cause the pain in the abdomen of the baby, lethargy, bad mood and general weakness. In some cases, body temperature can be increased, so it is recommended to give the child an antipyretic. In no case should you resort to antibiotics.

Once the pathogens were inthe body, they begin to multiply and have an irritating effect on the walls of the stomach, provoking symptoms of poisoning in children, which are named above. In this case, there is a threat of dehydration due to vomiting and diarrhea.

Types of poisoning

Symptoms of poisoning in children occur only in the case of eating unsuitable food. The disease can be caused by:

  • Spoiled food, which accumulated toxins as a result of the life of bacteria.
    symptoms of food poisoning in children
  • Products that are not originally edible. These include poisonous fungi and plants, as well as meat of certain species of animals.
  • The products are edible, but require proper storage, since in the absence of it, toxins can accumulate in them, resulting in symptoms of poisoning in children.
  • Products containing substances in the form of chemical impurities, where there may be salts of heavy metals, poisonous substances from packaging, food containers, and pesticides.

One of the most common causes of poisoning of children is precisely low-quality food.

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