/ / Mercury poisoning: what you should know

Mercury poisoning: what you should know

If a certain amount of mercury vapor isbe in the air, and according to the indices it will exceed 0.25 milligrams per cubic meter, then they begin to settle in the human lungs. If the concentration is higher, then penetration into the body begins not only with breathing, but also through the skin. That's when mercury poisoning takes place.

As a rule, distinguish two types of symptoms of poisoning: chronic and acute. All symptoms are severe enough, but more difficult for women and young children.

Acute mercury poisoning often occurs duringheating of uninsulated material, in the event that there is no special exhaust. For example, this situation can arise in the case when the bath is heated with a liquid, into which, for some reason, mercury has penetrated from the broken thermometer. Also harmful concentration of steam can arise in the process of breaking up devices in which there was heated mercury. Often there is a situation when a thermometer is broken in a home cabinet. Incidentally, it is in this case that harmful vapors evaporate in the blink of an eye.

As a rule, the symptoms appear right afterpenetration of vapors into the body. This weakness, loss of appetite, sore throat, a sense of taste of metal in the mouth, nausea, vomiting, there may be severe headaches, salivation and bleeding and swelling of the gums appear. All symptoms should be carefully studied by those who are at risk.

In addition to all of the above for mercurypoisoning can cause inflammatory processes in the lungs, which are accompanied by a cough and painful breathing. The presence of mercury in the body shows an analysis of urine. Therefore, if there is a suspicion of such poisoning, it is not necessary to delay the visit with a doctor, since there is a possibility of a lethal outcome.

Mercury poisoning can have chroniccharacter. Chronic mercury poisoning for the most part occurs because of a fairly long stay in a medium containing mercury vapor. Not infrequently such conditions are the working environment.

Symptoms of chronic poisoning, as a rule,first of all affect the human nervous system. More specifically: it is weakness, headache, drowsiness and fatigue. There is also some emotional irritability and nervousness. On this general background, there are signs of poisoning, such as a weakening of intellectual abilities and a significant decrease in concentration. If the mercury poisoning was very strong, then the whole body trembled.

Huge role in the diagnosispoisoning by mercury is played by a decrease in the ability of the skin to touch, and also the susceptibility to taste and smell is reduced. The pressure may decrease and there is a possibility of frequent urination.

If all of the above symptoms occur,and through certain analyzes, mercury poisoning was confirmed, the treatment is simply necessary and as soon as possible. If this is not done, then in the worst case, a lethal outcome is possible, as with a more favorable prognosis, death may not occur, but there is a possibility of the development of such diseases as: atherosclerosis, tuberculosis, various pathologies of the liver and gastrointestinal tract.

In women, symptoms of poisoning can be irregularities in the cycle of menstruation, and pregnancy may unfavorably take place.

Mercury poisoning is very dangerous in the sense thatsymptoms can not occur for a very long time at all. And people will continue to live and work, not noticing that his body is exposed to the strongest impact of deadly fumes.

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