/ / The doctor himself - when can you drip Naftizine in your eyes?

The doctor himself - when can you drip Naftizine in your eyes?

Nasal congestion or copious discharge from it,redness of the eyes with conjunctivitis or other diseases we are accustomed to treat old, kind, tried and tested means - drops of Naftizin. He so entered our everyday life and registered in home medicine kits, which became almost a panacea for many sores. However, this seemingly innocuous means requires caution in the application, like any medicine.

Mechanism of action

Naphthyzin in the eye
The main active substance in Naftizine,has a curative effect, naphazoline. Its concentration varies from 0.05% to 0.1% in different droplet compositions. Nafazoline removes the swelling of the mucous membrane, narrows the blood vessels, reducing the flow of blood to them. With a cold, relief comes just at these moments, because the sinuses and strokes return to their original size, the mucus is produced much less, it becomes naturally easier to breathe.

If you instill Naphthyzin in the eyes, the effectit turns out about the same, but instead of nasal mucus, the release of moisture from the tear glands, as well as the festering secretions that are characteristic of bacterial and chronic conjunctivitis, is reduced. Relief lasts about 2-3 hours, then painful symptoms return.


Naphthyzin Dependence
As eye drops, ophthalmologistsrecommend exactly 0.05% Naphthyzine, made on the basis of a solution of distilled water and boric acid. To reduce edema of the conjunctiva, sensations of discomfort in the eyeballs, burning or itching, it is prescribed to drip Naphtizine in the eyes 1-2 drops several times a day. To do this, you should carefully wash your hands and eyes, gently pull the lower eyelid and drip the medicine. At the same time you can feel some unpleasant pain. The effect of dilating the pupil facilitates them.

If Naphthysine is in Bury the eye long enough, the drugceases to operate with due effect, because the body gets used to it. This is expressed in the fact that the process of constriction of the vessels slows down and does not proceed as brightly as at the beginning of the treatment. Addiction can lead to such serious symptoms as headache and insomnia, arrhythmia, cyanosis of the skin, etc. In such cases, Naphthyzinum in eyes stop digging in and for a while they refuse to use it.

Treatment for harm

poisoning with naphthyzine
So, Naphtizin is not nearly as harmless asit seems. There are a number of contraindications to its use. The most significant of these are eye diseases and anomalies: different stages of glaucoma, a decrease in the activity of the lacrimal gland, corneal dystrophy, etc. In particularly sensitive people with reduced immunity, Naphthyzin can cause dependence, as if it were a narcotic drug. Fortunately, the percentage of them is quite small.

If the patient has obvious problems with thyroid gland,It is recommended to take drops carefully. The same applies to patients with symptoms of diabetes mellitus. Use it cautiously and the future mothers, as well as nursing. Poisoning by Naphthyzin is extremely rare, but possible.

Avoid using the drug inworking time for drivers, doctors and in general for those whose profession requires increased attention and visual acuity: it is somewhat reduced immediately after instillation. Coordination of movements and orientation in space can be disturbed. However, such feelings quickly pass.

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