/ / Sanorin during pregnancy. Can I apply it?

Sanorin during pregnancy. Can I apply it?

When a woman is waiting for a child, the question of applyingdrugs often causes fear. Will this harm the future child, how safe is the drug? Let's see, is it possible to use "Sanorin" during pregnancy or better do without it? This drug is usually prescribed to relieve the symptoms of nasal congestion. Do I need to say what unpleasant feelings are associated with them? This is a feeling of lack of air, and the inability to fall asleep, and the headache, and separated from the nose.

Unimportant well-being of the future mother canadversely affect the condition of her child. Therefore, doctors sometimes prescribe "Sanorin" during pregnancy to alleviate these symptoms. In the medical literature there is no information that the use of the drug adversely affected the child or the pregnant woman. However, it is not so harmless to use it uncontrollably.

Chemical composition and properties of "Sanorina"

"Sanorin" - drops, spray, emulsion, produceda pharmaceutical company in the Czech Republic. According to the chemical structure, it is naphthazoline nitrate, the one that is known to us as "Naphthyzin". This substance has an effect on the nerve endings, causing a narrowing of the peripheral vessels. As a result, the symptoms of inflammation decrease - puffiness and hyperemia of the mucosa, the amount of it is separated from it. Nasal congestion occurs after instillation of the drug after 5 minutes.

Indications for use

Nasal congestion in diseases such asrhinitis of various origin, sinusitis and sinusitis, inflammation of the eustachian tubes, seasonal conjunctivitis - these are the indications for the use of "Sanorina". The drug is good for all these diseases. At application it is necessary to consider, that its action lasts about 4 hours. Therefore, it is impossible to dig it in with an interval less than this time.

Contraindications and side effects

Use "Sanorin" during pregnancy is only possibleunder medical supervision. This is because he has contraindications. Its ability to narrow capillaries can be harmful in certain diseases, for example, in diabetes, glaucoma, atherosclerosis and hypertension. Sometimes people have an increased sensitivity to him. All this serves as a contraindication to its use.

When the drug is absorbed through the mucous membranes into the bloodmay increase pressure, there is weakness, headache, irritability, trembling in the hands. Heart rate may increase. Locally the preparation sometimes causes irritation and dryness of the mucosa.

Forms of release and duration of treatment

The drug is available in several forms. In addition to the aqueous 0.1% solution, there are still "Sanorin" -spray and an emulsion of eucalyptus oil of the same concentration for adults. Preparations intended for children have half the concentration. This refers to drops and emulsions. Prescribe an emulsion to children can only after 12 years of age to children in the form of 0.05% solution. A spray is not prescribed until the age of fifteen. Adults can bury "Sanorin" no more than 7 days, for the treatment of children it is not recommended to use more than 3 days. There is still a form of release of sanorin in the form of eye drops. This is "Sanarin" -anallergin. It is used for seasonal conjunctivitis and some eye disorders as directed by an ophthalmologist.

Dosage of the drug

The dosage of "Sanorina" depends on the age. Adults recommend it to drip 2 to 3 times a day for 1-3 drops. Children do not have more than 1-2 drops. The spray is used to irrigate the nasal passages. You can do from one to three irrigation no more than 3 times a day.

Use "Sanorin" during pregnancy is only possibleby appointment of a doctor and only when the use of it is really necessary. If you can do without it, it's better to refrain from using it. Do not use it uncontrollably and do not self-medicate. Excellent health to you!

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