Surgical operations are quite commonin our time. Most patients agree to them without the slightest fears and doubts, some even make "non-mandatory" operations at their own expense-of course, plastic surgery. And yet many people are worried not even how the intervention will go, but how noticeable will be the sutures after the operation. Do not forget that how fast and how well the cuts will heal depends largely on their care during the recovery period.
Basic rules of grooming in the recovery period
Sure about how to care for stitches afteroperations, you will be told even at discharge, but if the medical staff forgot about it or you do not remember, we remind you. The main rule - always keep the stitch clean and dry. If the incision is already well healed, and there is no open wound, you can wash it with ordinary water with soap. After each hygienic procedure, you must always apply antiseptic. Suitable zelenka, iodine or solution of potassium permanganate. But from the regular use of alcohol or cologne for washing should be discarded - the thing is that these compounds dry the skin too much. If there is even the slightest suspicion that the stitches after the operation have been contaminated, they should be rinsed with hydrogen peroxide. The same procedure is necessary for suppurating sutures.
Should I wear a bandage or not?
The issue of dressings during the rehabilitation period afterA surgical intervention must be performed by a physician. Everything depends on the depth and length of the incision, the location of its location, how well it heals, and other factors. The patient must listen to his own feelings. For example, if the seams after the operation are clinging to clothing, the bandage should be applied even for periods of physical activity. Another topical question: should the seams be treated with special ointments that accelerate the healing, or is it easier to let things go by themselves? With caution should be used folk remedies, but among the pharmacological products there are many compositions that have proved themselves to be very successful. The most popular remedy is "Levomekol" ointment, it is also possible to use any medications based on panthenol. After stripping, it is possible to treat scars with special oils and various compounds that accelerate the regeneration of cells and moisturize the skin.
The time of rehabilitation after surgery: will the seams soon heal?
The question of the duration of rehabilitation aftersurgical intervention is more than individual. On average, the stitches are removed for 7-10 days. In some situations, this period can be increased to two weeks, more rarely, since the risk of ingrown threads into the skin increases. Remember: the stitches after the operation should be removed by a doctor or nurse, if at the time of discharge you were not given other instructions. After the removal of the threads, care of the scar should be continued. Regardless of how the rehabilitation is after the operation, the incision site fully healed is considered approximately one month after the intervention. Namely, when a clear scar is formed.