/ Cash transactions. Features of their conduct

Cash operations. Features of their conduct

Cash transactions are actions related to the receipt and issuance of money from cash offices of banks, various organizations and companies that are issued with special income and expenditure orders.

cash operations
This term also includes operations on stock exchanges,the calculation of which must be conducted until the next day, after the transaction, actions with cash, securities, deposits, as well as repayment of debts or other debt obligations.

The Federal Tax Service draws the attention of individual entrepreneurs to the fact that the cash transactions that they carry out must be conducted according to certain rules:

• you need to determine the cash balance limit;

• money, the amount of which exceeds this limit, must be kept in the bank accounts;

• All cash transactions should be processed with the help of incoming and outgoing orders;

• You also need to keep a corresponding cash book.

cash settlement operations
In banks, the monetary limit is established according to the following principles:

• in settlement and cash centers should workcirculating cash desks, and also reserve funds of coins and monetary units in bills (with the permission of the Bank of Russia). All cash received within one business day must be posted to the relevant accounts on the same day;

• territorial banking institutions should take into account the clients' needs for cash for wage calculations or for other needs;

• the amount of the limit is set at the end of the business day. All funds that exceed it must be transferred to the reserve fund, i.e. withdraw from circulation;

• All duties related to the storage of funds in the reserve fund and cash settlement centers are assigned to officials - the chief, the chief accountant and the head of the cash department.

cash operations are
For mass servicing of customers, cash operations are conducted in offices that contain:

• income and expenditure structures;

• units that exchange and convert the currency.

Officials responsible for storagevalues, should have metal seals and keys from pantries, as well as stamps. These funds are needed in order to carry out cash operations properly.

For the issue of cash in banking institutionsseparate cash departments work. To carry out settlement cash operations, the manager issues cash to the cashiers in the required amount only against receipt. For wages, money can be issued for three working days under special spending orders.

It is worth noting that the cashier, who carries outcash operations are prohibited at the same time to issue money on several cash checks, as well as to conduct any actions with currency, in which customers do not contribute, but simultaneously make cash checks and a cash deposit application.

It must also be said that upon admission or extraditionmoney, the cashier is obliged to draw up relevant information. At the end of the day, the balance of money, cash receipts, a reference with a check tape of the calculator are handed over against receipt to the cashier for verification.

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