Encephalopathy in children
Answer the question, what is encephalopathy,You can use the collective designation - the pathology of the brain. This term combines a number of different diseases. In view of the fact that the designation "encephalopathy" is not a concrete concept, it is customary to add explanatory words to it in medical practice. Thus, the cause that caused brain damage is specified.
Residual encephalopathy in children is indicated ingeneral for the presence of some neurological deficit. However, most often, there are different signs of functional impairment, symptoms of autonomic dysfunction. In this case, encephalopathy in children is accompanied by lethargy, headache, fatigue, superficial sleep, irritability, sleep problems, gastrointestinal motility disorders, thermoregulation, cognitive impairment, tearfulness and the like. It should be noted that the diagnosis in such cases does not reveal the cause of the pathology. This, in turn, makes the choice of therapeutic tactics very difficult.
In such cases, monitoringthe current state of the child against the background of such a diagnosis. Residual encephalopathy, without a doubt, can be considered as a residual phenomenon due to a previous pathological process in the structures of the central nervous system. In other words, the disease can be considered a restorative or initial stage of the disease.
Together with this in the early childhood period, probablevarious hereditary and nerve degenerative diseases. Thus, the manifestations of functional transient insufficiency may not be a harmless evidence of a gradual recovery, but rather a development of a serious disease.
Encephalopathy in children means only the presence ofsuffering from the CNS, in particular, the brain. The most significant signs and severe symptoms of a disease should be identified by specialists immediately after birth in the process of assessing the child's condition. Moreover, the clinical manifestations of disorders depend on the severity of the lesion itself. Encephalopathy in children can develop due to an insufficient level of oxygen in the blood, birth injuries, disorders of cerebral circulation.
Light forms of lesion are accompanied by excessiveanxiety in the child. At the same time, it can be in a rather long period in a state of vigor. Characteristic is also a prolonged, frequent crying, accompanied by trembling of limbs, chin.
Perinatal encephalopathy is characterized bythe revival of unconditioned and tendinous congenital reflexes. In addition, the children's neurologist diagnoses a mismatch (asymmetry, dystonia) of the muscle tone.
Posthypoxic encephalopathy impliesthe development of violations in the brain functioning in the prenatal, staging or birth periods. Such a diagnosis scares parents a lot, but it should be noted that the body has a surprising recovery ability. That's why early diagnosis is very important. In addition, in the acute period of development of disorders, the use of complex therapeutic measures is considered the most expedient and justified. Under the supervision of a qualified specialist (osteopathic physician), brain diseases can be eliminated without negative manifestations for the health of the child.
The most common reasons provoking the emergence and development of perinatal encephalopathy include oxygen starvation, intoxications, the penetration of infections and birth trauma.