UAC norm: interpretation of values
Physicians often prescribe to their patients differentsurvey. It is these manipulations that make it possible to learn everything about the state of human health. The most common tests are blood and urine tests. These tests are prescribed almost every time you see a doctor. In this article we will talk about what the norm of the UAC is. You will find out which indicators are taken into account when decoding and what those or other numbers mean.

The norms of UAC in adults and children
In each result, studies arethe admissible values of these or other indicators. If your data fits within the indicated range, then it means that you have the UAC norm. However, things do not always go smoothly. Quite often people come across deviations on certain points. This indicates that there are some malfunctions in the body. Correction of pathology is chosen only by a doctor who can easily determine by analysis whether the patient is sick. Let's try to figure out what UAC indicators are. The norm in women, men and children of different age groups will be described later.
This indicator is always taken into account. Hemoglobin supplies the body cells with oxygen and removes carbon dioxide. The normal values must be within the following ranges:
- babies in the first day after birth have a level of 170 to 240 g / l;
- children of the first year of life - from 110 to 150 g / l;
- from one year to 15 years the child has a substance level from 110 to 160 g / l;
- women have a rate of 115 to 140 g / l;
- men - from 130 to 160 g / l.
These cells are filled with hemoglobin. Often this indicator depends on the previous substance. The norms of erythrocytes in human blood are as follows:
- kids on the first day of life: 4.3-6.6 X 1012/ l;
- Children under 15 years: 3.5-5.6 X 1012/ l;
- women: 3.7-4.7 X 1012/ l;
- men: 4-5.1 X 1012/ l.

These substances are formed from the bone marrow. They are responsible for the timely coagulation of blood and are very important for a person. Their level should be as follows:
- Children in the first day of life - from 180 to 490 X 109/ l;
- toddlers under six years old - from 160 to 400 X 109/ l;
- children from 7 to 15 years - from 180 to 380 X 109/ l;
- women and men - from 180 to 320 X 109/ l.
This indicator is very important for a person. Leukocytes perform a protective function. The norm of UAC in children and adults in this case is as follows:
- children in the first day of life have indicators from 8.5 to 24.5 X 109/ l;
- The children of the first six months of life are characterized by values from 5.5 to 13.8 X 109/ l;
- children from 1 to 15 years old have indicators from 4.3 to 12 X 109/ l;
- Men and women - from 4 to 9 X 109/ l.
This indicator is responsible for the presence of an allergic reaction to food and some drugs. The norm of UAC in children and adults in this indicator is as follows:
- children from birth to 15 years have values from 0.5 to 7% (of the total number of leukocytes);
- adult men and women from 0 to 5%.

Color metric
This point is always taken into account in the studyhemoglobin and erythrocytes. It shows the content of one substance in another. The norm of the UAC will be in the event that the result fits within the range from 0.85 to 1.15 degree. In this case, the value is the same for all ages and people of different sexes.
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
This indicator has the abbreviated name ESR. It reveals pathological processes in the human body. The normal values will fit in the following ranges:
- for newborns: from 2 to 4 mm / h;
- for children under 15 years from 4 to 15 mm / h;
- men: from 1 to 10 mm / h;
- women: 2 to 15 mm / h.
These cells secrete a very important substance undercalled interferon. They help to fight against viruses and various bacteria. The UAC norm will be established if these figures are within the following range:
- children of the first day of life: from 12 to 36% (of the total number of leukocytes);
- toddlers up to one year: from 36 to 76%;
- children up to 15 years: from 25 to 60%;
- men and women: from 18 to 40%.
Is it possible to decipher the analysis independently?
If you get the result, you can detectspecified values. This is the substance content directly in your blood. The adjacent leaf or column indicates the norms of the general blood test. They are needed to make an accurate diagnosis. It is worth noting that different laboratories may differ in their results. This is very important to consider when decrypting yourself.
Of course, you can find out if there isdeviations on this or that point. However, the final diagnosis can only be made by a specialist. Try to address to competent doctors with the received results. Only in this case there is a guarantee that the treatment will be prescribed correctly.

What should I do if I deviate from the rules of the UAC?
If the doctor has found a discrepancy with the standards, thenit can be a pathology. Often physicians prescribe a second analysis. Often an error in the study arises from the violation of certain rules: before diagnosis, you can not eat, smoke and be nervous.
It often happens that a second study givesnormal results. In this case, the doctor can say that the patient is completely healthy. If the indicators again do not fit into the norm, then the examination, certain treatment and research in dynamics are assigned. Hand over the blood test if necessary, use the services of doctors and always be healthy!