Analysis for hCG: normal, indications, transcript
Normally hCG appears in the blood after implantationembryo into the endometrium. This happens after conception in a week. The presence of hCG in the blood outside the pregnancy is an alarming symptom. This indicates the presence in the body of a tumor that produces this hormone.
In pregnancy, hCG is synthesized by chorionembryo. It is thanks to him that the yellow body functions in a strengthened mode and secrete progesterone. This hormone is responsible for maintaining a pregnancy, preventing the uterus from contracting.
Also hCG, the rate of which depends on the term,provides the release of estrogens and testosterone, necessary for the normal course of pregnancy and fetal development. After the placenta is fully formed, it takes on this function. However, in the first trimester, hCG is responsible for this.
Therefore, the analysis on it is used not only fordiagnosis of pregnancy, but also to monitor its development. The fact is that during this period the level of the hormone increases twice every two days. By the end of the first trimester, its concentration is maximal and then begins to decline.
The inconsistency of hCG norms is an alarm and can be a sign of various pathologies. Determination of its level is necessarily included in prenatal screening.
The analysis on hCG, the norm of which depends onlab, it is necessary to hand over on an empty stomach in the morning. If the goal is earlier detection of pregnancy, then this should be done after a delay of 5 days. It is necessary to warn staff about the drugs taken.
Screening for the first trimester is usually done from 11 to 14week, and 2 - from 14 to 18. More precise time should be checked with your gynecologist. To monitor the course of pregnancy in the first trimester, hCG may be given periodically at the doctor's discretion, since not only its concentration but also the dynamics of growth are important.
So, the norms of hCG for weeks:
- 1-2-30-305;
- 2-3 - 1505-5005;
- 3-4 - 10005-30005;
- 4-5 - 20005-100005;
- 5-6 - 50005-200005;
- 6-7 - 50005-200005;
- 7-8 - 20005-200005;
- 8-9 - 20005-100005;
- 9-10 - 20005-95005;
- 11-12 - 20005-90005;
- 13-14 15005-60005;
- 15-25-10005-35005;
- 26-37-10005-60005.
Out of pregnancy, its level should not exceed5 mU / ml. In the result form, each laboratory specifies its norms, which may differ slightly from the values given above. It is also necessary to clarify how the time is counted - from conception or from the date of the last monthly.
When taking an analysis for hCG, the norm may be exceeded in the following cases:
- taking drugs with hCG;
- bladder skidding;
- Gastrointestinal tumors;
- after childbirth and abortion;
- chorion carcinoma;
- neoplasms of the uterus, testicles, kidneys, lungs;
- receiving gestagens;
- pathology and malformations of the fetus;
- gestosis, toxicosis;
- wrong time;
- diabetes;
- several fruits.
Low levels of hormones can occur in the following situations:
- pregnancy overstretch;
- danger of miscarriage;
- frozen pregnancy;
- death of the fetus;
- placental insufficiency;
- lag in the development of the fetus;
- ectopic pregnancy.
The analysis should be analyzed only by a doctor. You can not diagnose yourself.
To pass the analysis on hCG it is necessary in the following cases:
- Diagnosis of tumors (bladder skidding, chorionepithelioma, etc.);
- dynamic observation of bearing;
- elimination of tubal pregnancy;
- absence of menstruation;
- prenatal diagnosis of fetal pathologies;
- risk of miscarriage;
- check the completeness of abortion;
- diagnosis of pregnancy;
- suspicion of a dead pregnancy.
In normal pregnancy tests, too,is determined by hCG. The norm in this case is a negative result for women who do not bear a child, and men. For a pregnant woman, he should be positive after a delay of a week. The fact is that in the urine the concentration of the hormone increases more slowly than in the blood.
So, hCG, the norm of which depends on the availabilitypregnancy and its term, is produced in the body by the chorion of the embryo and tumors that produce this hormone. The analysis on it helps to find out about maternity, to observe the bearing, to suspect the pathology of the fetus, to diagnose cancer.