/ Gardnerella - treatment, symptoms, ways of transmission.

Gardnerella - treatment, symptoms, ways of transmission.

Gardnerella is a conditionally pathogenic bacterium,which refers to facultative anaerobes, that is, it can live, both in the presence of oxygen and its absence, but prefers an anaerobic environment. Gardnerella also refers to gram -variable microorganisms, staining simultaneously, both in Gram-positive, there and in Gram-negative colors.

Being a conditionally pathogenic bacterial gardnerellacan be present in the majority of healthy people, without manifesting its pathogenic properties. When reproducing in the vagina in women, the bacterium changes the acid-base (pH) properties of the vagina, thereby promoting the spread of other pathogens.

Ways to transfer gardnellosis

The main path of transmission of the pathogen is sexual, butIt is also possible to infect a newborn during the passage of the child along the genital tract during childbirth. The contact and everyday way of infection is theoretically possible, but it is extremely rare.

Gardnerella in men, treatment of gardonnella in men

In the male body the Gardnerella can nota long time, only occasionally men can be carriers of this disease, without manifestations of pathological symptoms. In rare cases, such diseases as balponitis and urethritis can cause gardnerella in men, treatment is not specific, since gardnerella can not be the only cause of their occurrence, the bacterium only aggravates the pathological properties of other infections.

Gardnerella in women

Gardnerella in women is quite commoninfection. The bacterium can independently affect the vagina. During the disease, which is called bacterial vaginosis, the patients have creamy discharge with a sharp and unpleasant odor. In addition, in most cases, all patients experience discomfort and itching in the affected area.

Risk factors for gardnellosis

  • Disorders of the immune system
  • Disorders of normal intestinal microflora
  • Various hormonal disorders
  • Diseases of the urino-genital organs
  • Many sexual partners
  • Use of spermicidal lubricant

Complications, which may cause gardnerella (treatment is not carried out)

  • Inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs
  • Infertility (in women)
  • Uterine bleeding
  • Postpartum complications, for example, endometritis

Diagnosis of gardnellosis

Identification gardnellosis is only in women, because the identification of this disease in men is considered inexpedient. The main methods of diagnosing the disease are:

  • Determination of acid-base (pH) balance of excretions
  • Amine test
  • Smear microscopy (search for "key cells")
  • Inspection of the patient

If at least 3 of the above points are confirmed, then the diagnosis is considered positive.

Gardnerella - treatment

Treatment gardnellosis, as a rule, notspecific. For treatment, general antibiotic therapy, means for correcting the immune system and restoring the vaginal microflora are used. In addition, during the period of treatment it is necessary to use condoms during sex, in order, firstly, not to transmit the infection to their partner, and secondly, not to aggravate the situation.

Gardnerella treatment of folk remedies

Microclysters with calendula, rotokan and propolis,volume of 50 - 80 ml, will help to remove inflammation in the vagina. Also helps and douching with a solution containing apple cider vinegar, while you need to clearly know its concentration. With careless treatment with this method, it is possible to get a chemical burn.

If you find signs of a bacterium called gardnerella, it's not recommended to start treatment yourself. First of all, consult an expert.

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