/ / nasal bleeding in children - causes, first aid

nasal bleeding in children - causes, first aid

It is known that nasal bleeding in childrenaccount for about 5% of the reasons for hospitalization in ENT hospitals. They usually arise unexpectedly and can be accompanied by a significant loss of blood, which leads to a panic not only for the child, but also for his parents.

What is the cause of this phenomenon in children, is it worth it so much to worry and how to stop nosebleeds? So, the causes of nasal bleeding are divided into general and local.

To causes of bleeding of a general natureinclude the following: increased vascular permeability in the event of inflammation (vasculitis); chronic liver diseases (cirrhosis, hepatitis); chronic inflammatory diseases of the nasal cavity; states that are accompanied by irregular blood pressure.

For local reasons, the following

The most frequent factor of occurrencenosebleeds is that when the vessels are superficially located in the nasal septum, their plexus is easily damaged. Often the "culprit" is trauma. It can arise from a seemingly very naive habit of picking in the nose with your finger, and from severe injuries accompanied by a fracture of the bones of the facial skeleton. Also, foreign bodies are involved in the nasal cavity. They, traumatizing the mucous membrane, cause inflammation in the place of their stay, which provokes bleeding. Sometimes bleeding can cause a variety of malignant and benign tumors, as well as crevices of the septum, where the difficulty of breathing is often observed.

It is necessary to know that nosebleeds in childrencan occur suddenly, it happens that during sleep. Bleeding can be unilateral or immediately from both nostrils. In certain cases, the blood flows slowly and stops on its own, in others the blood flows literally, and the bleeding can take a long time and does not stop spontaneously.

If there is a nosebleed, children should take measures to stop it as soon as possible. Then you should show the child to the specialists and find out the reason for it.

Bleeding from the nose can be stopped by runningthe simplest measures. First aid in detecting nasal bleeding in a child should be in the following actions: first of all, it is required to calm the child, as the received stress at the sight of his blood leads to rapid heart rate and blood pressure rise, and this increases the amount of lost blood. It is necessary to place the child vertically and tilt the head slightly forward - in order for the blood to flow out of the nostrils. It is necessary to unbutton clothes and provide a flow of fresh air to the baby. It is recommended that he breathed through his nose and exhaled through the mouth.

If nasal bleeding in children occursoften, one must constantly keep ice in the freezer. To the area of ​​the nose it is required to impose a cold, and keep the feet warm. This will help reduce blood circulation in the nose area, and sometimes stop bleeding.

Since in 90% of cases the cause of bleedingis the damage to the plexus of the vessels (the Kisselbach zone), which is located in the anterior part of the septum of the nose, in this connection it is often enough to keep the finger of the nose on the side of the bleeding with a finger for 5-10 minutes, until a blood clot forms. When the bleeding stops, you need to carefully lubricate the wings of the nose with vaseline oil using a cotton pad. If the air in the room where the child is located is overdried, you need to increase the humidity, for example, using an air humidifier or a wet sheet. In the nasal passages of the child, to prevent the drying of the mucous membrane, it is recommended to drip preparations that are made on the basis of sea water.

Remember that nosebleeds in children can be a reason for a serious examination, so do not delay visiting a good specialist.

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