The child has blood from the nose: the reason
In itself, bleeding from the nose, as a rule,does not cause any fear. Especially when it comes to the child, because very often the blood begins to go as a result of the baby picking in the nose. If this happened once, there is nothing wrong. But regular bleeding can be a symptom of various diseases, including serious ones.
Often, nosebleeds appear in thethe result of coagulopathy. This term in medicine can denote a number of diseases associated with a violation of normal blood clotting. To the same category can be attributed hypo-and avitaminosis, diseases of the circulatory system. If the child has blood from the nose, the reason is precisely coagulopathies, the bleeding is more likely to be abundant enough, and it will be difficult to stop it in a short time.
Sometimes this phenomenon is observed when increasingof the total body temperature. This often happens during acute infectious diseases. Nevertheless, even if the cause of overheating is external (for example, if it is a sun or thermal shock), nosebleeds can also occur. But in such situations it is not the only symptom, and therefore it is much easier to determine what happened to the child.
Some people (including children) are hardtransfer sharp drops of barometric pressure. Therefore, during a family trekking in the mountains or diving with an aqualung to the bottom of the sea you need to be ready for a similar situation.
If the child has blood from the nose, the cause may beto consist in frequent use of various nasal preparations which narrow vessels. It can be such means as "Naphthyzin", "Nazol", "Galazolin", "Nazivin", etc. As a rule, these medications are prescribed by pediatricians during a runny nose, but many people at the end of the course of treatment find it difficult to abandon their use, because at first they greatly facilitate breathing.
Sometimes it also happens that the nosebleedsare the release of blood from another organ, for example, from the digestive tract or the gastrointestinal tract. Of course, there is a whole list of hereditary diseases, in the list of symptoms of which - blood from the nose.
As you can see, if there is blood from the nose in the child,reasons can be very different, and some of them are very serious. Therefore, regularly occurring nasal bleeding is a clear sign that you need to see a doctor.