Homeopathic tablets "Cinnabsin": instructions for use
Take the tablets "Cinnabsin" instruction forThe application is recommended exclusively for the treatment of chronic and acute forms of sinusitis. For example, this homeopathic remedy helps with etmoiditis, frontal and sinusitis.
Use complex preparation "Cinnabsin"the instructions for use categorically prohibit if the patient has an allergic reaction to chromium or any components present in its composition. People with a variety of progressive systemic diseases should also stop taking this remedy. For example, you should not take these homeopathic tablets in leukemia, multiple sclerosis, tuberculosis, HIV infection and collagenosis.
People with leukemia, AIDS or autoimmuneillnesses, you can not use the medicine "Cinnabsin". The instructions for use do not allow prescribing this drug to patients with gluten enteropathy. Among other things, this homeopathic remedy should not be used in case of an allergic reaction to starch.
As for the major adverse reactions andthe undesirable effects that can be triggered by taking the drug "Cinnabsin", then the risk of developing gastrointestinal disorders should first be highlighted. In addition, in many patients there may be increased salivation. Also, in some cases, allergic reactions of various kinds may occur (rash, hyperemia, pruritus, angioedema). If any of these conditions occur, you should stop taking this homeopathic remedy and contact your doctor.