Where does staphylococcus in the throat. Symptoms of infection
Staphylococcus in the throat is a common phenomenon. This microbe has become part of the human microflora. The microorganism can become more active if the immunity decreases and if the health deteriorates.
Staphylococcus aureus in the throat, the symptoms of whichwe consider below, it is considered the most dangerous among its relatives, it is its presence contributes to the formation of purulent sore throat with its attendant complications.
Staphylococcus in the throat of a child
This microorganism creates problems, as alreadydiscussed above, patients with a weakened immune system, as well as children and the elderly. And the seriousness of the issue is that most of the carriers do not even know about their own infection, so they do not protect themselves and do not protect themselves from infecting their loved ones. And most of the infection and spread of staphylococcus occurs due to non-compliance with hygiene rules. But the microbe can be transmitted by airborne way or to the child from the mother in utero.
Staphylococcus in the throat, symptoms
As a rule, the microbe provokes variouschronic diseases, purulent infections of severe form. A small pest organism likes to migrate from organ to organ, from system to system. Therefore, he probably will not stop his throat. Very dangerous is his migration from the throat to the brain, which can cause a terrible disease - meningitis. His migration to other organs can cause such diseases as endocarditis, pneumonia, sepsis, osteomyelitis.
A simple carrier of a microorganism does not bringharm to a person, staphylococcus in the throat symptoms manifests only during illness. More specifically, the body temperature rises, dizziness occurs when you get up suddenly from an armchair or a bed. The throat becomes swollen, the tonsils blush and eventually become covered with a purulent coating. Swallowing is getting painful, appetite is sharply reduced. Palpation allows you to feel strongly swollen lymph nodes. Refer to a doctor should you find at least one of the above signs, not to mention all. In time, the prescribed treatment will relieve such a nasty neighborhood in a week and remove the symptoms.
Treatment of staphylococcus in the throat
Bacterial throat and nasopharynx are assigned to determine pathogenic microorganisms in the throat.