Staphylococcus in the throat: symptoms and ways of treatment.
Staphylococcus in the throat is a disease,characterized by the formation of opportunistic microflora, that is, microorganisms are activated due to deterioration in the general state of a person or undermining the immune system.
The most dangerous is the Staphylococcus aureus inThe throat, the development of which leads to the formation of abscesses. This species got its name because of the characteristic difference of the pathogen at multiple magnification under a microscope: it has a golden hue. Active multiplication of microorganisms contributes to the appearance of purulent sore throat. The disease of this kind has a pronounced symptomatology, and in most cases complications occur. And if there is a rash on the body, then we can say that the consequence of infection was scarlet fever.
Staphylococcus in the throat: symptoms.
Against the background of a general malaise in humans sharplythe temperature rises, which is accompanied by dizziness while trying to rise abruptly from bed. Characteristic reddening of the throat and swelling of the tonsils, which subsequently formed a purulent coating. The appetite disappears and there is a sharp pain when swallowing. At a primary examination, swelling of lymph nodes is noted.
If you contact the therapist on time and followall the prescribed indications, it is possible to get rid of the general symptoms of the disease in a week. A complete cure with cleansing of the tonsils from the pus comes in a maximum of two weeks.
Staphylococcus in the throat: treatment.
Usually, a specialist prescribes antibiotics so thatmore likely to cope with the overwhelmed infection and prevent a relapse, at least for the near future. This takes into account the individual intolerance of the components of the drug, so each patient is selected a special set of treatment. Dosage is also established by the attending physician depending on the weight and age category.
As an adjuvant for treatmentA disease such as staphylococcus in the throat is used to rinse. Excellent properties have a solution of chlorophyllipt, which contains eucalyptus leaves. Means of traditional medicine are considered good helpers. First of all, you should include in your daily diet foods containing vitamins in large quantities. Many doctors recommend paying attention to the black currant, because this berry absorbed a variety of useful substances and trace elements and, mainly, vitamin C. It can be eaten as a separate dish, or add to the tea grated berries with sugar. And, of course, tea from a dogrose for a long time is famous for its miraculous properties.
Staphylococcus in the throat of children.
Often found this disease in children,because they are at such a young age trying to learn the world, using all their receptors. The immune system of a small person is not fully formed, so the process of infection occurs quickly. As you know, this infection can be transmitted by airborne droplets, through mucous membranes and even dirty hands.
Staphylococcus is the causative agent of manydiseases in children, for example, such as enterocolitis, food poisoning, conjunctivitis, dysbacteriosis. For enterocolitis characterized by restless condition, bloating, loose stools, nausea and vomiting. Such a disease is considered extremely dangerous, so it is better to immediately consult a pediatrician. When pus appears on the mucous membrane of the eye, conjunctivitis is diagnosed. Food poisoning occurs when bacteria are transported through certain foods, especially cakes and cakes with an oil-based cream, and fatty canned foods. Dysbacteriosis occurs when the balance of metabolism in the body is disturbed.