/ / Procedures for rendering medical assistance to the population of the Russian Federation

Procedures for rendering medical assistance to the population of the Russian Federation

Primary health care isa variety of medical services, containing a set of standard procedures aimed at the preliminary elimination of sources that threaten the life of the victim. These assistance is carried out on the site of the patient's defeat (self-help) or other individuals (mutual assistance), who are close by. For today, there are certain procedures for providing medical assistance to the population of the Russian Federation.

procedures for the provision of medical assistance

General requirements for the provision of first aid and its types

The main task in providing the necessary services -it is, first of all, the ability to provide assistance to a patient who has suffered damage or suffered from a sharp attack of the disease, before the emergence of a qualified ambulance team.

To date, the procedures for the provision of specialized medical care for profiles include 3 varieties:

  • basic medical;
  • pre-hospital;
  • initial medical.

The first medical assistance is considered to bethe integration of activities produced by the residents themselves at the site of the defeat, the way of self-help and mutual assistance, as well as the participants in rescue operations with the use of improvised and time-consuming means. First aid services are provided by a paramedic.

The first medical aid is a complexmedical and preventive procedures performed by specialists and aimed at excluding the results of the lesion. Thus, a person who provides the necessary medical assistance can be absolutely an outsider who has the ability to provide such assistance.

Procedures for the provision of specialized medical care by profiles

Universal order of actions

Procedures for the provision of specialized medical care on profiles are:

  • providing the patient with qualified doctors;
  • call an ambulance;
  • rendering the first medical aid to the victim before the brigade of medical workers arrives.

In what situations is it necessary to call an ambulance

First aid is recommended in certain cases:

  1. The patient is in an unconscious state.
  2. If the victim has a serious breathing, or is absent at all.
  3. The patient has uninterrupted pain in the sternum.
  4. Abundant bleeding.
  5. Acute abdominal cramps.
  6. Intoxication or other urgent circumstances.

In other situations, when it is impossible to resort to emergency care, you should trust your instinct.

procedures for the provision of medical care to children

Standards of treatment services

Order of medical care for children and adults are created in accordance with the list of medical assistance and include the average coefficients of frequency of use and frequency of supply:

  • medical services;
  • varieties of therapeutic nutrition, as well as special products for patients;
  • registered in Russiapreparations (with the installation of medium dosages), according to the instructions for their use and the pharmacotherapeutic composition for the anatomical-therapeutic-chemical specification, certified by the World Health Organization;
  • components of blood;
  • medical products transplanted into the human body;
  • other services, based on the specificities of the disease (condition).

Application and appointment of medical devices,means and specialized food products that are not included in the relevant standard of medical services are allowed in connection with the patient's medical indications on the decision of the medical commission. And here additional ways of rendering medical aid are provided.

procedures and standards of medical care

Healing assistance in bleeding

External blood flow is due to traumablood vessels with the appearance of blood on the surface of the skin. The power of bleeding is determined by the appearance of the wound of the blood vessel. When small cuts appear insignificant blood flow, and if large blood vessels (blood vessels, arteries) are damaged, blood flows instantly, and bleeding can be dangerous for the life of the victim.

Arterial blood flow is usually strong and rapid, with a sharp pain in the damaged area of ​​the body, with a bright red tinge of blood that flows from the wound with a stream.

For venous bleeding, moreuniform bleeding from the injury site. Blood differs dark red or burgundy color and flows constantly. To eliminate such blood flow, there are certain procedures for the provision of medical care.

If there was a syncope

This phenomenon is an unexpected lossconsciousness, which is accompanied by a weakening of the work of the breath and heart. There is a syncope with rapidly forming anemia of the brain, it lasts from a few seconds to 3-10 minutes and even more. The indicators of fainting are:

  • loss of consciousness;
  • nausea;
  • lethargy;
  • pallor and coolness of the skin;
  • dizziness;
  • slow breathing;
  • a rare and weak pulse (up to 40 beats per minute).

The first thing to do in this situation,- put the patient on his back so that his legs are raised, and his head is lowered. In order to improve the condition of the victim, there are certain procedures for the provision of medical care.

procedures for the provision of medical care for surgery

  1. Relieve the chest and neck from tight clothing to facilitate breathing.
  2. Cover the patient with something warm and apply a heating pad to his feet.
  3. Give me a sniff of ammonia and rub it with whiskey.
  4. Sprinkle face with cool water.
  5. If fainting is prolonged, artificial respiration is required.
  6. As the patient leaves the unconscious state, you must immediately give him strong coffee.

Assistance for small damages

If a deep cut or a puncture with an object has occurred, the following actions should be performed:

  • rinse wound with soapy liquid orantiseptic solution - a remedy that has antimicrobial efficacy (for example, hydrogen peroxide, iodine) and is used to treat scratches and cuts;
  • To clean dirty abrasions, a sterile swab or napkin should be used, starting from the center of the wound and heading to its edges;
  • apply a small tourniquet.

Procedures and standards of medical care for the population of the Russian Federation

Specialist services will only be needed if there is a danger of getting into the cut of infection.

Procedures for the provision of medical care for surgery

There are some rules for giving people surgical assistance.

  1. The lawful order approves the requirements for the provision of medical services to an adult person in the specialty of "surgery" in medical clinics.
  2. Surgical care is provided in the form of the first health-care, specialized, high-tech assistance.
  3. Procedures for the provision of medical care mayto be performed in outpatient settings (there is no round-the-clock medical supervision and therapy), in the day hospital (treatment and medical control is provided in the daytime, there is no constant monitoring), permanently (by agreement, which provides round-the-clock supervision and therapy).
  4. Primary health services suggestprocedures for the treatment of surgical conditions and ailments, as well as diagnosis, medical recovery, prevention, the maintenance of a healthy way of life.

At the present time, it is very important for every personknow the procedures and standards of medical care in any situation. After all, you can always find yourself in the place where you need to help the victim. And if this is done correctly, then it is possible to save the life of the patient before the arrival of the ambulance.

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