/ / On the leg of a grown nail: what to do in this case?

On the leg of a grown nail: what to do in this case?

Today, no one surprises with a neat pedicure. Care of the feet became popular among women, and among the representatives of the strong half of humanity. Timely pedicure helps not only to make the feet aesthetic, but also eliminates fungus, calluses and corns, ingrown nails and other cosmetic and medical problems. But sometimes even on time the procedures are not saved. And now a misfortune has happened - a fingernail has grown on his leg. What to do in this case? Why did this happen?

on the leg of a grown nail what to do
The causes of this pathology can be: heredity, fungal infection, improperly made pedicure, in which the edge of the nail was cut off unevenly, and sometimes a finger injury or narrow tight shoes. The sharp pain, the appeared sores and suppuration on the skin of the finger - all these are symptoms of the fact that the leg has grown into a fingernail. What to do with it, how to treat, can tell a cosmetologist or a dermatologist. And to get rid of such a problem is necessary, because an ingrown nail can not only cause discomfort, but also lead to phlegmon, gangrene, up to the amputation of the finger.

How to treat an ingrown toenail?

If the problem is at an early stage, andFor the present there is no suppuration, it is possible to apply disinfecting trays from manganese. Also, to get rid of pain and prevent the ingrowth of other nails, you should always wash your feet with soap twice a day, wear cotton socks, avoid synthetic materials, choose comfortable shoes with a low heel.

to treat ingrown toenail
Also, if you have a fingernail on your leg, you need to tryRaise it above the nail bed. This can be very painful, but such a procedure will help quickly get rid of the problem. As soon as you can lift the plate above the skin, you should make a small swab of gauze or cotton cloth, and put it under the nail. Such treatment will help relieve pain and get rid of pus for a half to two weeks. In traditional medicine, a lotion of melted cow oil, applied to the growing place, is also considered effective.

On the leg of a grown nail: what to do in this case?

Sometimes at a similar problem doctors recommendalso use special tires. They help protect the delicate skin from the sharp edge of the nail plate. As such tires you can use pieces of plastic, tampons or sticky resin.

ingrown toenail operation
But if the case is quite neglected, and on the fingeralready formed an abscess, or simply the inflammation passed into a fairly severe form, then how to treat an ingrown toenail? The operation to remove its part or adjust the growth line can quickly and practically painlessly solve this problem.


But most often in order to get rid of thispathology, surgery is not required. So, on the leg of a grown nail ... What do you need in the first place? Keep the feet and fingers clean, lift the plate above the bed, and if possible, wear large shoes made of natural materials. It is also necessary to disinfect the affected area with the help of antiseptics or folk methods.

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